What are you doing right now? Part II

I'm pounding a few Coors Lights.
Eating dinner before I depart.... rather not pay for that down there. It can get expensive there.
Aw, hell no. Traffic!! Gonna take a while to get this out of here. Unfortunately the Metra is the quickest way downtown.
We just finished eating take out from Pronto's, a yummy swiss mushroom burger and fries. Tried to find a movie to watch but nothing looked good. Going for our nightly walk soon and will bundle up for that.
Have fun Mark, be careful and stay warm.

I will. Gonna be a long wait-- the theater is open just down the street, which is the reason for the jam. Kinda inconvenient for that.

I just boarded the bus. Safely on my way, but it's absolutely insane there.
I just got kicked off the #151 Sheridan. Now waiting for the #36 Broadway..... soon, I hope. It's COLD here.
I found myself in a pickel of a bad mess, now just getting out of it. With that said, not having a webcam phone really killed me tonight. I'm gonna have a nice long chat with Cricket about that. Really needed it, and didn't have it.
going nuts looking for my digital camera taken five minutes out clear brain and start again
Getting ready to head to the bank to get a check for rent, and then pay the bills on-line. Might grab a bite to eat while at it.
Sitting in the truck waiting for my sons' soccer game to start.. dreading that I will sitting in the cold rainy weather for the game but it could be worse!
Just finished shopping at Target. Picked up another bike tube-- this on sale, so perfect timing. Now headed to pick up some computer software.
Hanging out at Longwood Garden. In the warm conservatory right now. Will head outside around 3:30 when they turn on the outdoor light display.
I just picked up my computer software. Now taking train photos, and standing at Belmont.
visted mother in hospital how awful she was when I was kid all I see was old sick lady begging me get her out back home ,this very hard and upsetting
Multitasking. Exchanging e-mails with one of my East Coast friends, and switching my bicycle tube to the new one I brought yesterday.
Surfing AD at 430 am. I would much rather be sleeping. But when waking up at 330, I got to see 3 deer roaming our land. The moonlight was bright enough to see them. Doggie had her face glued to the window. We just sat there in silence for about 30 minutes watching them.
Getting ready for work, wishing I could sleep about another hour.
Getting ready for my noon departure to Oakton. Gotta do a few things before I do, though.