Heights... no, not really, I am not scared of flying at high altitudes, but I am afraid of FALLING off from a high places so therefore, I am scared of tall buildings or stairs or elevators where windows are the walls..
Recently I went with a friend to her hospital.. and they have this type of elevator with windows so as it goes up and down on a side of the building so you get the view of the "city" from the elevator... INCLUDES the ground... My friend was aware of my proclaimed phobia but never took me serious until she saw me reacting to the moment in that elevator. I got tense as the elevator went up and I kept my back away from the windows and trying to lean myself toward the doors and I started to panic *breathing quickly, pupils widening, etc* (it went up to fifth floor...) and she had to assure me that we were okay. [laughing] I was like, "I KNOW! I just cannot help it." I tried to face it by looking at the ground and assured myself that the elevator wont break and fall off and me falling flat to my death... (that is the CONSTANT thought of my phobia- "Will this structure fall apart and I fall to my death?")
It is strange because usually I force myself to tolerate high places ie: elevators but my behavior is obviously affected by my phobia.. I am straining to face and defy the fear yet it is an infallible phobia.
I have defied my fear of cockroaches and spiders... I stopped screaming whenever I see a roach or a BITSY SPIDER... but still I am squeamish about them and avoiding them much as i can.. (THAT IS NORMAL, RIGHT?! lol) I can kill a spider on my own... with a LOT, LOT of tissue paper and protective gloves on my hands... :-D AN IMPROVEMENT.
Usually I would scream and scream until somebody comes and takes that little disgusted thing away from my "space"...