I want you to understand something, In general, not all in the Deaf community are against cochlear implants. Just because one had a experience of being rejected, that doesn't mean that every Deaf who were at the Deaf Nation, doesn't like those who wear cochlear implants, we don't know what they are thinking inside their minds, or in their hearts. They might gave a look at Lily'sdad's family, because they might never experience having a CIer at a Deaf Nation, We don't know that really, There are so much possibilities. It could be a reason for them being hard to understand or accept the difference. Just like when a Deaf goes into a mainstream schooling, some hearings have no knowledge that someone who would be different would be in their classroom, Their reaction at first would be confused. I'm just giving an example, and I'm not making an excuse for some people in the Deaf Community, I'm trying to point out we cannot jump to conclusion of thinking that Lily's dad and others who walked the same path of life, being rejected.
Look at me for example, I've been involved with the Deaf Community when I was in oral method schools, mainstream, When I went to some Deaf events, some had looked down at me, when they saw me speak for the first time, I try always to laugh these things off and ignore them, Did They ever gave me a chance to know me, instead of judging me? It didn't stop me from coming around again, When I did it took those same people time and patience to come around me to get to know the real me. Guess what Hun, They accept me after a long tug a war going there being ignored. Like I said before many times it takes a lot of patience for them to be fully understand that you want to be part of the Deaf community, it shows will power, Don't let them upset you, show them that nothing they do can hurt you, because you are who you are, you are the same person. They either accept it or not. The quality of life we have is not based on what we hear with our ears with any devices, It's the positive attitude and look in the beauty of life.
We cannot face life with negatives outlook from some people from the Deaf Community, We, have the willpower to ignored and go to people who willing to accept who you are as a person, not because that you have a cochlear implants, it's because you still will not be afraid to stand up for yourself, that you're proud that you have something to look forward to by having a cochlear implants, but wouldn't stop you from being part of both worlds, Deaf and Hearing.
I'm not an anti-CI, It's hard for me to explain why I am so against implanting on babies and toddlers even small children. Ok, When I see children with cochlear implants, I see their small bodies, small head, thinking of how small their organs are and etc. It just that I feel sorry for them, because seeing what they are wearing a magnet whatever you call it on their heads, It makes my skin crawl, (I'm not saying that to be offensive to anyone believe me I try not to be) and the fact that they missed out on a lot of their childhood by spending inordinate amounts of time in speech therapy from a very young age. You see what I'm coming from? Maybe that is no excuse on how I feel, but it just I cannot get it out of my head or my heart, no matter how hard I've tried, It's like it's stuck in my head like glue effectively be saying "Those parents who decide implanting on their children, it's more like saying, You aren't good enough the way you are" That doesn't mean I hate those parents who implanted their children, nor the children itself, I would not even treat them different than I'll treat others with respect. I can understand that all parents want what's best for their children and their future requirements needs. The more I gotten to know Cloggy, Rockrummer, Lily'Dad and others parents who are going through the same thing, I've learned that they love their children very much, and would do anything to make their children happy even if it means to be involved with the Deaf community and meet other Deaf people out there.