Wendy's To Lay Off Workers And Replace Them With Machines

It's just all part of the evil G.E.E.C. plan by Dr. Goodfellow:


This episode is the classic "machines are turning mankind lazy" story. It dealt with a supercomputer that was capable of doing all physical work, allowing humans to do nothing but rest and be entertained.

Goodfellow, despite being a man of good intentions, ended up nearly causing some of the biggest disasters the world ever seen, multiple plane crashes and stuff like that. But thanks to the Super Friends, such disasters were thwarted and Goodfellow is able to learn his lesson, that mankind was meant to work and that no machine can truly replace a man. This is a classic theme in science fiction, and this theme was even used for the eighth feature film of Star Trek, which told a similar story except it shown a world where machines were used at a minimum, and one of the characters pointed out that if you build a machine to do the work of a man, "you take something away from the man."[1]
this is where its fast heading..and beyond

It may go over so well with customers that they actually need more staff for the other positions to handle the volume.

Each kiosk may need a bare minimum of one person to do the food prep - if the whole kiosk is automated. I am sure that one person will get the minimum wage of $15 an hour, rather than a store full of 10 employees.

$15 an hour means a store with 10 employees is paying $150 per hour for labor. Daily costs for labor and annual costs for labor would skyrocket. I am not sure how much the automated machines cost - but over time they would pay themselves off if a kiosk is not having to shell out labor costs.
Also Wendy may need to hire IT specialist to repair or maintain the kiosk as well.
Also Wendy may need to hire IT specialist to repair or maintain the kiosk as well.

More likely the IT support will come from the company that makes and installs the kiosk... not from Wendy's. Training in the use of the kiosk and troubleshooting would be a new job for sure.

Panera's has the self order kiosks- I tried them out in Wilson (can't remember if Charlotte's has them yet).. really liked it. Less nerve wracking for me in trying to hear and having to deal with people in general.
They did have at least one register open though- for people who likely didn't like the technology.
I've seen Jack in the Box have kiosk... we probably will see a lot more kiosks just about everywhere in the next few years.
this is where its fast heading..and beyond


If that robot has carpentry skills, can paint my house, make me a nice thick angus burger, catch red snapper and grill them to perfection then it might hold my interest.
We had a new hire yesterday (he was training) and during the course of the day, something was mentioned about Wendy's doing this ... he chimed in with "I ain't never going to buy anything from Wendy's again!! What they did was low-down rotten ... getting rid of paying hard working people what they are worth!!!"

So .... tmw we are all showing up with Wendy's burgers and frosties ... shhh

innovation has never been a bad thing .. I am sure when the automobile was invented, there were guys saying they would never buy one .. that a horse drawn buggy was all they needed.
some might have that critique for that reason. as you derscribe. but i wouldnt paint everyone holding reservations regarding the inroads of technology perticularly digital in every factor of human life, there should always be a critical eye. . as for the kiosks and how common they soon will be. they are replacing people. most in that sector are young, just starting out with little saved nor much to fall back on.

inovation always have its costs..
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While this can be a good idea for deaf, what other jobs will these things take? How soon before none of us are no longer needed? Then what? There is something with the masses of unemployed disgruntled workers...
Although botwife ... really? Well not like there is not already dolls and maid servie.... but forgive me if rather have a warm body whose edges I can enjoy and mind can challenge me...
Yes this will make it cheaper... but not for the consumers. .. if people really think that they are fooling their self... cheaper ideas keep coming up and the price of goods keep going up.... just the fact of life ...
This just keeps getting better. Now the other side of the aisle are screaming "robots are stealing our jobs"

Countdown commencing to when they are described as "illegals"
This just keeps getting better. Now the other side of the aisle are screaming "robots are stealing our jobs"

Countdown commencing to when they are described as "illegals"

not sure what your stating?
This just keeps getting better. Now the other side of the aisle are screaming "robots are stealing our jobs"

Countdown commencing to when they are described as "illegals"

What are you doing if you are unemployed because everything is replaced with robot and automation?

The legislators could restrict or ban on automation to save jobs.
What are you doing if you are unemployed because everything is replaced with robot and automation?

The legislators could restrict or ban on automation to save jobs.

The answer to the destruction of Detroit was automation in the automobile industry.

Please remember this. Do robots require unions?
The answer to the destruction of Detroit was automation in the automobile industry.

Please remember this. Do robots require unions?

I'm not going to bother with debate over Detroit, but most fast foods are non-union.

I don't believe your anti-union BS.
The free trade agreements, especially NAFTA and TPP, also deal with China and H-1B visa destroyed more jobs than create more jobs, that how our state suffered from massive loss after many textile mills closed. There is no future in Alabama unless you want to be doctor, lawyer, teacher, specialist, legislator and police officer (or law enforcement agencies).

For US, it will be depends on individual states - some of them have very good growth and some of them are not growing at all, also Canada is doing well, especially in BC and Ontario.