Dear Elliott's dad, I am sorry you had to go through that, I feel same as a CI user (2 years/profound since birth/33 now) and I am 3/4's immersed into the deaf community due to teaching at school, voluntary work with deaf kids, I sign and speak fluently. Now, on AD, I don't know what to say most of the time, who to back. I have been coming here less and less.... posted alot less in this section because all I knew there would be a lot of debating going on.
I remember back in 1996, fresh out of oral deaf school, I went to deaf pub, to the people in the pub decided that I don't belong there, I was there only 5 mins, how on earth they can judge me so quickly.... why... I wasn't signing, I was talking, so what, I am deaf like them, it doesn't matter what language I use, they could lipread, I couldn't, but I made the effort to lipread them, however, they didn't bother to involve me. When I began to sign more fluently (remembering the langauage from childhood) but I wasn't signing fast enough for them, I still don't belong there... why.... I went to oral deaf school... So what, I didn't choose to go there... but I am glad I did as it gave me the education I needed. So, I never went back.
For many years during my 20's, I had no identity, I wasn't sure who I am, but now I do... I am ME as a person who happen to be deaf and do have the best of BOTH worlds. I don't know if I am culturaly deaf as there is a lot of criteria for it... so I don't care to be honest, if those people shun me, that's their loss, my gain as I really know what they are like and wouldn't want to be their buddy.
Now days it's much better as I work along with late deafen people, born deaf, early implantees (implanted as 3 years old now in adulthood), implantees as adult(born deaf, implanted as adult) deaf people who can't have implants or doesn't want them, BSL users and we all get on well, there is no mention of deafness/implants/BSL/what school we went, we were being ourselves.
This what it feels like on here.... I thought I would find common ground, a place to find answers... how wrong I am... I am not surprised that many people had left.
Well, Elliott's dad, All the best of luck with Elliott and I think you are a rock for him, he will have the best possible upbringing. Take care for now.
Deafdyke, IMO this is no better than what I had experienced 5-10 years ago.