Weight Issues for pregnancy.

with my first pregnancy with the twin boys in 1995. I gained only 25 lbs but that was as far as to 5 1/2 months when i went in preterm labor with them and gave birth to them. I was big as 8 months but was able to lose the fats. After that I was able to lose weight to size 7/8.. which i was so happy...

then i got pregnant again and gave birth to my son TJ in 99 .. i gained 47 lbs... but lost all of it... back to my regular weight as before.. then in 2002 I got pregnant again and gained only 17 lbs... I was only 5 months pregnant when i went in preterm labor and lost my daughter. I was able to lose the weight...

Now I am close to the weight I was back in High school.. weird.. LOL.. still a struggle to lose weight.. I am eating healthy foods and walk every day..

It is not funny... sigh! :(
For women who had been pregnant before;

Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant?

While I was pregnant, I have gained at least 70 pounds...yeah a total shocker. I started at 105 and at end of the pregnancy, right before I delivered my son, I was 178 pounds!!! I didn't gain all that right away....I started really packing the weight on me was around in 2nd trimester. The Doc said I was underweight when I first started while I was first pregnant and he wanted me to gain more weight than usual. Well...then in 2nd Trimester, They thought I had Diabetes because how much I'm gaining already...and it turned out that I didn't!

How did you feel about it? I was mortified of the weight...I hated it that I was so heavy and big...plus my parents were so putting me down...saying I'm fat...those thing of things. However my 'Husband' Preston keeps telling me that I'm beautiful, that I'm carrying our child. And that couldn't be any more beautiful sight than that.

Did you just go ahead to excise right after doctor says you're 100% heal? Yeah...and man...that was awful...to loose all those weight. It took me 18 months just to loose 65 freakin pounds. Right this moment, I'm 111 pounds and that's good enough. I look skinny but healthy.
i hate it when people put us down when we are preggy said look fat and all that.. but we cant help eating for two and keep up with energy for baby and eating cuz baby steal your vitamins, nutrients so hence why feel tired all times etc.

whatever to those! wish they would experience and go thru the preggy then they will undy !!!!
For women who had been pregnant before;

Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant?

While I was pregnant, I have gained at least 70 pounds...yeah a total shocker. I started at 105 and at end of the pregnancy, right before I delivered my son, I was 178 pounds!!! I didn't gain all that right away....I started really packing the weight on me was around in 2nd trimester. The Doc said I was underweight when I first started while I was first pregnant and he wanted me to gain more weight than usual. Well...then in 2nd Trimester, They thought I had Diabetes because how much I'm gaining already...and it turned out that I didn't!

How did you feel about it? I was mortified of the weight...I hated it that I was so heavy and big...plus my parents were so putting me down...saying I'm fat...those thing of things. However my 'Husband' Preston keeps telling me that I'm beautiful, that I'm carrying our child. And that couldn't be any more beautiful sight than that.

Did you just go ahead to excise right after doctor says you're 100% heal? Yeah...and man...that was awful...to loose all those weight. It took me 18 months just to loose 65 freakin pounds. Right this moment, I'm 111 pounds and that's good enough. I look skinny but healthy.
Even if you gained weight, I wouldn't really notice... nor would I care.

You're pregnant. It's normal to gain some weight. At least, you didn't gain 200 lbs in 9 months. If you did, then there would be a problem.

Think of it as a small cup of water. That cup is your unborn baby. You add water... you're giving your unborn baby nutrients. When your unborn baby gets its fill, the remaining nutrients goes to you. When the cup is full, it overflows... to you.

So, when you gain weight... at least, you know your unborn baby is getting his/her nutrients. :)

I would rather see someone gain some weight knowing the unborn kid was getting nutrients than to see a pregnant woman not gain weight and not know whether or not the unborn kid was getting nutrients. :)
Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant?

How did you feel about it?
I gained. W/ JJ I gained 40 pounds, lost 20. With Ellie, I gained the 20 back and 20 more so now I am 40 pounds over my pre preg wght. I freak when I look at myself in the mirror.

Did you just go ahead to excrise right after doctor says....
I had emergency C sections w/ both kids. Ellie is 2 now. I am just now getting into the whole cruncher thing. I have a treadmill and used it for a week and that was a couple of mths ago. I need to get back on it but I always find something else to do. I need to exercise, I know. :roll:

My then hubby was angry that I changed after preg 1 let alone preg 2. He wanted me to be just like when we got married. What an asshole. :D
i just had a baby.. my son is almost 3 months... and i have unnaturally high metablism so during pregnancy i gained 35 lbs which was great then after preegnancy.. when my son was only a week old i lost all those pounds that i gained. and i did not even excerise. in fact i had to rest a lot cuz i had stitches down there so when i go to bathroom it hurts like hell so i did not move much.

as for how i feel.. i loved the weight gain and was a bit disappointed that i lost so much so quickly and i did not do a thing.
Did you gain or lose weight during you was pregnant?

How did you feel about it?
I gained. W/ JJ I gained 40 pounds, lost 20. With Ellie, I gained the 20 back and 20 more so now I am 40 pounds over my pre preg wght. I freak when I look at myself in the mirror.

Did you just go ahead to excrise right after doctor says....
I had emergency C sections w/ both kids. Ellie is 2 now. I am just now getting into the whole cruncher thing. I have a treadmill and used it for a week and that was a couple of mths ago. I need to get back on it but I always find something else to do. I need to exercise, I know. :roll:

My then hubby was angry that I changed after preg 1 let alone preg 2. He wanted me to be just like when we got married. What an asshole. :D
Everyone gains weight when they have kids. If they didn't, everyone would worry.

I would rather my woman gain some more weight than normal cuz that tells me that the unborn baby is getting its nutrition.

If she doesn't lose the weight immediately after having the baby, I wouldn't worry. I'd still love her for who she was. I would help her and support her if she wanted to lose weight again. :)
Everyone gains weight when they have kids. If they didn't, everyone would worry.

I would rather my woman gain some more weight than normal cuz that tells me that the unborn baby is getting its nutrition.

If she doesn't lose the weight immediately after having the baby, I wouldn't worry. I'd still love her for who she was. I would help her and support her if she wanted to lose weight again. :)

Every woman is going to want to marry Vampy now.
i just had a baby.. my son is almost 3 months... and i have unnaturally high metablism so during pregnancy i gained 35 lbs which was great then after preegnancy.. when my son was only a week old i lost all those pounds that i gained. and i did not even excerise. in fact i had to rest a lot cuz i had stitches down there so when i go to bathroom it hurts like hell so i did not move much.

as for how i feel.. i loved the weight gain and was a bit disappointed that i lost so much so quickly and i did not do a thing.

Lady, you need to appreciate that you lost it. Many women are wanting to be in your shoes rather than struggle to get their weight under control. Just look at the struggling people out there who would rather just lose weight sitting down.
I am just now getting into the whole cruncher thing. I have a treadmill and used it for a week and that was a couple of mths ago. I need to get back on it but I always find something else to do. I need to exercise, I know.

I read that it's not good to say, "I NEED TO DO THIS___." Make sure you're losing for yourself and not your husband.

Have you tried watching a show while exercising? A show last one hour. After work or something go straight to changing to your workout clothes--don't think about it.

I know it's boring sometimes to exercise mindlessly, which is why sometimes people use walkman or watch tv.

I read that visualizing that you are already there works really well. Don't worry about having a perfect vision of yourself thin, just think and feel it lol.

I thought I might give ya some pointers to help.

I can't believe what your husband said. That must be discouraging sometimes.
I read that it's not good to say, "I NEED TO DO THIS___." Make sure you're losing for yourself and not your husband.

Have you tried watching a show while exercising? A show last one hour. After work or something go straight to changing to your workout clothes--don't think about it.

I know it's boring sometimes to exercise mindlessly, which is why sometimes people use walkman or watch tv.

I read that visualizing that you are already there works really well. Don't worry about having a perfect vision of yourself thin, just think and feel it lol.

I thought I might give ya some pointers to help.

I can't believe what your husband said. That must be discouraging sometimes.
That's good advice.

If you don't have anything to workout on, you can always take a walk with a friend. Pick a place nearby... like 7-Eleven. Talk a walk there, get a bottle of water... then walk back. :)
Lady, you need to appreciate that you lost it. Many women are wanting to be in your shoes rather than struggle to get their weight under control. Just look at the struggling people out there who would rather just lose weight sitting down.

That's right, Spice ... I wish I was in your shoes so you're very lucky!
During my 1st pregnancy in the late stage, I had fluid retention and my tummy/ankles/legs were swollen. As soon as my daughter was born, my stomach went flat as a pancake and my legs/ankles went back to normal size with exercises. My weight loss returned back to normal within 2 months. (My daughter & I nearly died in childbirth due to complications but somehow, we both survived).

Then the last 2 pregnancies, I was fine with the usual normal weight gains and lost most of it fairly easily, a few months after the births.

My first hearing ex-husband was a jerk and never told me of the almost fatal circumstances as I was sedated with medication. Would you believe it was my mother who told me about it when I was 8 months pregnant with 2nd child. Naturally, I freaked out and bad timing, too!

My current hoh husband was a terrific support and loving during the last 2 births which turned out perfect.
That's good advice.

If you don't have anything to workout on, you can always take a walk with a friend. Pick a place nearby... like 7-Eleven. Talk a walk there, get a bottle of water... then walk back. :)

Well, there is no husband. I will try the treadmill watching a tv show. Let ya know.
Lady, you need to appreciate that you lost it. Many women are wanting to be in your shoes rather than struggle to get their weight under control. Just look at the struggling people out there who would rather just lose weight sitting down.

yes i understand and i wish to make a point that being so damn skinny isnt fun.. just same as being overweight isnt fun. im 5'3" and im only 95 lbs... with no curves or anything so its not fun and i did not like it. i perfer to be around 120 lbs. im not trying ot add an insult to anybody who struggles with losing weight. i do have a problem getting rid of extra skin on my stomach that came from pregnancy. (and other areas on my body too)

i am just trying to say i did not appericate the fact that i lost weight way too fast and did not give my body a chance ot adjust to that. and being underweight for whole my life... it does have its disadvantage.
I am plan to get pregnancy. I don't like to get gain the weight after baby birth. I have to do exercise and eat a healthy. I have to take care of my own skin too. I don't want to have an ugly stretch marks and wrinkles on tucks. I have to deal with weight for pregnancy. I want to be health during pregnancy.

My sister in the law. She had a toxemia and extra skins. She wasn't a health during pregnancy with her first daughter. She smoked a cigarette and sit on ass all day. She never exercise during preg. She was stress out and being a young mother. After her baby born. Her daughter was almost to die due to Spinal. But She is fine now. My sister in the law's normal weight was 104. She gained the weight when She was preg about 250lbs. She got second baby son. They had an asthma. She got C Section twice times. She didn't well during pregnancy. She got tied up. She have 2 kids enough. She lost alot of weight and left the ugly extra skin in her tucks. Her face look like old because of extra skin and smoking cigarette.

My husband told me everything about her. He don't want me to be same as her. I must exercise during pregnancy. I want to eat a good health.
Well, there is no husband. I will try the treadmill watching a tv show. Let ya know.
Try renting a television series.

You can sign up for Blockbuster Online or NetFlix. Get the 2-DVD option.

Pick a television show that you want to watch straight through. When the first DVD comes in, watch one or two episodes while walking on your treadmill. When you're done with that DVD, mail it back. While that is being processed and your next DVD is shipped, you can watch your second DVD.

By the time you finish an episode or two, you won't realize that you've just walked 40 minutes to 80 minutes! ;)

For instance, I'm almost done with the entire Star Trek series that I'm renting from Blockbuster Online. If I had a treadmill, I would have used that while watching those DVDs. :)
Freckles. I want to say congratulation for you're pregnancy. Keep it up be healthy and weight. I am part of Italian too. My mom's side family are. :)

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