Weight Issues for pregnancy.

First I am going to address the desire to lose weight. As last years New Years Resolution she decided to lose weight.She bought Bob Greene's Best Life Diet. It's the best $20 she ever spent on a book. It is the diet Oprah is on.She lost over 70lbs before I found out my wife was pregnant. I picked up some Tae Bo videos at Good Will and she LOVE it. She can't wait to get back to it.
Next, She is still overweight. My first daughter was born prematurely. I have heard that obesity can be linked to premature delivery. Although it has never been suggested that it had anything to do with mine. I talked to my Dr about the more complicated C sections and he said it was the same for vaginal deliveries. There is just more tissue.
Don't worry though. I give her to eat and drink healthy and allow her the occasional treat. She is 27 weeks pregnant and lost 2 lbs this week.
It is very smart to try to get healthier before you conceive though. Plus it will be easier to stick to a healthy diet if you start before. One more thing. She was down to the weight she was when she conceived my daughter so it was like a green light to my body that she could do it again.