YAY!! We can try to VP someday.. Let me know if you want to VP with me or webcamming.. Just PM me...
CrazyMomma said:YAY!! We can try to VP someday.. Let me know if you want to VP with me or webcamming.. Just PM me...
ScubaladyTx said:Oh cool ! ! Glad that u got one !
I have it since more than 2 yrs !Heh! ! Cant live without my lover VP !
CrazyMomma said:Hey FlyFree, we got to VP sometime..
ScubaladyTx said:Oh cool ! ! Glad that u got one !
I have it since more than 2 yrs !Heh! ! Cant live without my lover VP !
Cookie Monster said:LOL!! You remind me of someone I know... a friend of Chris'. She cannot live without her VP and if her PC breaks down, she literally panics because she needs her PC with her VP.
CrazyMomma said:Yep, you got that right.
Can't live without computer...
Can't live without sidekick....
Can't live without VP....
Can't live without laptop...
GalaxyAngel said:*exciting* waiting to hear from my friend of mine will email me about VP...
I cannot wait and have my own VP. Pretty I'm anxouis and curiouis how's works w/VP and etc etc... Take me slow down and step at time until I'm ready to use VP.
Who will gonna VP first w/me.. for my pleasure testing.... When I'm ready and will let you guys know..
Unbelivable.. There's great bargin the price cheaper.. I'm look forward VP real soon. *smile*
First of all, I have to get router then VP. *wink*
Possible I might hooked up w/VP than comptuer... Doesn't want become "ADDICTION VP* like someone else who already addiction...
ScubaladyTx said:Yeah! Ohhhh u will LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE it... or maybe be "addiction" ? just kiddingggggggggg ! !
Oh, u mean to pay VP or free ?
I got it free from Soreson Co.
GalaxyAngel said:ScubaladyTx,
I'm not get soreson because i'm not american citizten.. I'm pure canadian.. and will buy my own VP. *smile*
of course, you're american and always get free VP from soreson as same rest other members who live in usa.
ScubaladyTx said:Ohh, then move here in USA.. Because everything is free for deaf things! heh