I just want to state that I am not argumentive...I am learning and I accept I may be wrong...but talking g and debating a topic is how I learn along with reading.

so remember I am not arguing with you and at no point do I mean to upset anyone...
This is very helpful and a good thing. I do not know much of Sweden, do you have a recommended reading?
It does seem from what you say they are on the right track. Community can be defined in multiple ways so distance really is not a factor, once one is established.
But at the same go...with the closing of deaf schools, ci, and mainstreaming people are later in life to become part of it or do not learn about it. And I have noticed once you do learn about it, there are people to teach and help lead you through it.
All cultures do change...it is only a matter of time and influence.... CI users should not be excluded, however...I notice I am starting to form a thought that may become a belief... Please understand I am learning and know this will seem beyond rude, and it is not my intent.
But CI users will eventually and deserve their own culture ... They experience things differently and eventual they should be separate cultures ... I want to say kind of like US and Canada but that is saying it wrong... Okay, CI and unimplanted deaf...both are deaf but their lives, struggles, accomplishments, and mentality will form different personalities, arts, literatures, and the use of sign is different.... CI users and none already have heated debates and CI users seem to be.... Seen as hearing wanta-bees by others... While other CI users are seen as okay...I am not sure what makes the difference or if it is that they are CI users. It is only something I have noticed and accept that this may be wrong... I do accept that I am missing thing and could be stepping on toes and I am not meaning to...
Europe as a whole seems to me as a mixed bag... While many countries are improving, they are also putting in steps that remove or have maintained the deaf people from influencing things....read recently that Germany banned sign until 2002 and is only recently moved it in... But instead of using German sign (believe it is called DGS) it was debated that ASL and BSL be used instead and in some regions (do not know about all) that is what was used... This cannot be good for their deaf culture that has already suffered so much through many struggles... Their schools are almost all mainstreamed and oral...
So while sign can be accepted it can also cause issue.... The other thing I have noticed is that while sign is more accepted, it seems that it is more acceptable for a hearing child or person to learn sign than it is for the deaf child or adult. Some people seem to see sign as more of an art then an actual language of a culture... While I will agree much like the written word some are more artistic in their sign then others...others throughout time have also approached it in an almost religious tone... But accepting sign is a huge step but it can also lead to the perversion of it if not handled correctly...and in this I believe the deaf should have the main say...yet they are kept out as far as I know.
No truer words could be used...right now it does seem a time of influx it has happened several times in history but now with CI at no other time has deaf culture been more at risk. The deaf need to have a say but it seems to me, and is my main curiosity, what are/can the deaf do?
Networking and education is the key, but right now the ones holding the master key seems to be people following the ones that want us all to be a single unit/culture/society and that would mean to kill deaf culture and regulate it to history books and a museums...