Wayyyyyyyyyy off topic related other threads..

What do you think about that? Is it cruel? I just think that the parrot is trying to happy, but he/she does not have a freedom because of the metal chain. I am thinking of the fingernail that tells us that he/she doesn't like it at all so he/she expresses him/herself to be a fake happy by not thinking about the chain. I wish that there is an easy way to contact PETA and let someone to take care of that and trace that damn photographer who doesn't have a mortal about it.

Yes, that's wrong to force the animals for people to capture them with the camera, it's the animals abuse!

But if that's for when they want the parrot to stop flying in the house bothering them, then they have right to lock the parrot... :(

I did the photography for my dog when I was a photography student, and never force her anything, but trying to make her calm down by petting her, or giving her treats, etc.
Yes, you may go ahead.. anything you want spill your beans really nasty words?

I'll be right waiting for you.. :giggle:

Ah! Good to see u Galay but I notice u have a son already anyway
Offopic: Wonder why most men dont wears ummmm u know what it is when whey plays footballs and if someone kicks the balls by accident!
Also, why would they ignore the item when the men hop on the horse and didn't have thing to protect their penis to be pain in the ass when the horse is ready to go!

I kept asking my bf about his penis or balls when he is on horse and shake up the balls it could be real in the f:cking ass aren't these men?
Ah! Good to see u Galay but I notice u have a son already anyway
Offopic: Wonder why most men dont wears ummmm u know what it is when whey plays footballs and if someone kicks the balls by accident!
Also, why would they ignore the item when the men hop on the horse and didn't have thing to protect their penis to be pain in the ass when the horse is ready to go!

I kept asking my bf about his penis or balls when he is on horse and shake up the balls it could be real in the f:cking ass aren't these men?


Pretty funny.. but we aren't planned... then *oppiSe* accept have wonderful 4th baby here... We are happy and loving care w/Logan!

r u serious living Russian?
Can you tell me, how's your life alike out there? Is good?
Cuz One of my friend who live in Russian and moved in Toronto, Ontario.. then married Deaf woman.. Happily married! He telling me everything about Moscow and lifestyle isn't fun but other way awesome thrill the nighttime.. that's all.
I don't think it's cruel with the metal on the arm or finger whatever you call it on the Parrot... it's like a tag to know they are rescued or belong to someone if they get lost... well is it cruel to put in microchip to your dog and cat??? No, it's the same thing ... it's a BEAUTIFUL picture by the way!!!
I don't think it's cruel with the metal on the arm or finger whatever you call it on the Parrot... it's like a tag to know they are rescued or belong to someone if they get lost... well is it cruel to put in microchip to your dog and cat??? No, it's the same thing ... it's a BEAUTIFUL picture by the way!!!

Ah, I firgure that it may be for a good reason.
real clever to make a thread that we can talk about anything here... btw hi all ;)
Now Panther what in the hell are ya :whistle: about ya little devilcat?? LOL

Jo.. the day I do that is the day ya have to insert your head up Calvin's bum and probe him... lol...kidding...

Keep on rolling, girl... keeeeppp on rollllllliinggggg.. :afro:

HAHAH what?? No way.. Calvin and I will get even with ya and Panther!!!!! Ya ladies will see... hahaha

Ocean sure ya still dreaming of fondling Tom? LOL

Once again, dream on girl...dreaaaammmm on!!! HAHAHA!!!!

NO comment *snicker* you know my way

A Stay At Home Dad
Although a lot has changed in the world, many people simply can't understand that a man might really 'want' to be a stay-at-home dad.

Why don't you get a job?

Are you out of work?

Does your wife make more money than you?

Those are some of the insensitive, rude, and just plain stupid questions that some people ask stay-at-home dads.

So why do some dads stay home with their kids? Sometimes it is out of financial necessity and being out of work, but it is none of your business if that is the case.

Other times, a family may have decided that they do want their kids raised at home and mom does indeed make more money or simply enjoys her career more than dad does. And often, either dad chooses to stay home, or each parent is taking turns staying home.

If you are a stay-at-home dad and get asked 'Why don't you get a job?,' the basic 'I have a great job, I take care of my kids,' always works as a good answer.

Let's discuss this way wayyy off topic...
Are you thinking about Full time Dad?

Anybody ? :fingersx:
4 Paparazzi Arrested for Chasing Britney

LOS ANGELES — Four paparazzi have been arrested for reckless driving while chasing Britney Spears' car in the San Fernando Valley.

Los Angeles police Lt. Mario Munoz said officers observed several cars following a white Mercedes-Benz around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday in Mission Hills.

The cars were following Spears' car too closely and traveling at unsafe speed. They also made several unsafe lane changes, authorities said.

Munoz said officers stopped the Mercedes, interviewed Spears and released the 26-year-old pop star after verifying her driver's license.

But the four photographers in the cars chasing her were booked for investigation of reckless driving.
ooops !! I put the story in wrong thread. :lol: Please forgive me... It should be go to other thread relates to Britney Spears.
^^^I have no problem with the "stay-at-home fathers", as far as they are cooperating with mother proper.