Warning--The Military is After Your Children

Since I don't believe that women should be drafted, there is no reason to register them with Selective Service.

If women are not required to register then why should the men be required to?

An expectant father can still physically perform combat duties. An expectant mother cannot.

Everybody in America is equal, or at least they are supposed to. A female soldier should know better to not get pregnant or to have sex while in service. Just like a male soldier shouldn't be having sex during a war. Otherwise, give her the boot along with the father of the baby if he also happen to be in the military.

Nobody will die from not having sex. So, the women should be required to register. I just hope they're not stupid enough to engage in sexual intercourses while knowing the risks. It's all about having the will power to resist the temptation of sex.

Because, in general, men are more physically suited for combat roles.

Just because men are more physically suited for combat roles? No, women should be able to handle it just as well if they are trained properly. Even if the men are more "physically stronger" than the women in general, that doesn't mean the women can't do the job.

Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you shouldn't be required to serve in a war. Just like it's not the man's fault that he has a penis to begin with!

Totally sexist.

Our country should not depend on women to fulfill its combat billet requirements. Those should be filled by men. If our country ever gets to the point where it depends on women to satisfy our combat needs, then we will truly be in deep trouble. Other nations view that as a weakness, and look down on countries that use their women in combat roles.

Such a pity that you allowed the men to brainwash you into buying such a bunch of crap. How can an enemy tell if a soldier is female in all the heavy gears that they wear? Only it can be noticed by looking up close.

Again, it's not the men's fault that they have penises.

Just "because 55% of Americans are female" isn't a very convincing argument for drafting women.

It'll make a big difference when it come to fighting the enemies. The more, the better chance you have of winning the war. So, the women should be required to serve too as well as the men are required to.
Banjo said:
If women are not required to register then why should the men be required to?
Because the purpose of the draft is to provide combat-ready soldiers to fulfill the needs of the army. Only men can do that.

...A female soldier should know better to not get pregnant or to have sex while in service. Just like a male soldier shouldn't be having sex during a war. Otherwise, give her the boot along with the father of the baby if he also happen to be in the military.
I agree that both men and women should refrain from sex while serving in combat. Of course, that is "judgmental" to the "free-thinkers" and liberals, so that won't fly. :)

An expectant father is still physically capable of fulfilling his combat duties. A pregnant woman is not. If she becomes pregnant in a combat zone or on a ship, she has to be transferred out. That leaves a vacancy in that billet, which has a negative impact on the mission of that unit or crew. That puts an extra burden on the remaining soldiers or shipmates.

Just because men are more physically suited for combat roles? No, women should be able to handle it just as well if they are trained properly.
All the training in the world will not change the relative muscle bulk and upper body strength of a woman to a man. Maybe we should inject the women with steroids so they can bulk up? Ha!

Even if the men are more "physically stronger" than the women in general, that doesn't mean the women can't do the job.
It does in physically demanding combat and rescue roles where stamina, upper body strength, and lifting/carrying ability are crucial.

Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you shouldn't be required to serve in a war. Just like it's not the man's fault that he has a penis to begin with!
Totally sexist.
Now that is a totally sexist statement. You are the one focusing on sexual organs, not me. Any society that depends on women for its military strength rather than its men protecting the women, is a weak nation, and one that is not respected by the rest of the world. That is the kind of military that will lose wars, not win them.

Such a pity that you allowed the men to brainwash you into buying such a bunch of crap.
You are so funny. Much of my research was based on reports and anecdotes from other women. It is liberal men who buy into feminist propaganda and whinings.

How can an enemy tell if a soldier is female in all the heavy gears that they wear? Only it can be noticed by looking up close.
What does that prove? Just because a woman dresses and looks more like a man doesn't make her as strong as a man.

Again, it's not the men's fault that they have penises.
You seem to have a fixation.

It'll make a big difference when it come to fighting the enemies. The more, the better chance you have of winning the war. So, the women should be required to serve too as well as the men are required to.
Well, for one thing, men are not yet required to serve. For another thing, wars are not won just by the troops in the front lines. The support services, and the "home fires" are equally important. Someone has to fulfill those roles too. Rosie the Riveter and the Gold Star Mom are just as important as GI Joe.
Reba said:
Registration for Selective Service is mandatory for males 18 years and older. Registration is not the same as enlistment in the military. Enlistment in the military is voluntary.

I hope that helps. :)

Thanks for explanation. :ily:
deaflibrarian said:
Every American man is required by law to register for the draft within 30 days before or 29 days after his 18th birthday. Every man is subject to the draft until his 26th birthday. Anyone who willfully fails to register for the draft may face legal charges. The maximum penalty for non-registration is a fine of up to $250,000 and a sentence of up to six years in prison.

Men, born after December 31, 1959, who aren't registered with Selective Service won't qualify for Federal student loans or grant programs. This includes Pell Grants, College Work Study, Guaranteed Student/Plus Loans, and National Direct Student Loans.

A man must be registered to be eligible for jobs in the Executive Branch of the Federal government and the U.S. Postal Service. There are restrictions on other Federal employment as well.

Some states have added additional penalties for those who fail to register. Such laws effect eligibility for Guaranteed Student Loans and Pell Grants, and employment with state agencies. To date, 30 states have laws regarding selective service registration.

I don't think it will be long before women are required to register for the SSS. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/171522_draft01.html

Liebling, correct me if I am wrong, but are there several European countries that require both young men and women to sign up for the military even if they don't serve much time? I do know Israel requires both young men and women, but I am not certain about other countries.

Thank for explanation :thumb:

I only know that young German men are require to go military training up to 13 months. If they dont want, then as carer in mental clinic. Some of young German men like to be military after 13 months training. No women is required.

The women can join voluntary if they really want to.
Banjo, it is my fervent hope that you are indeed not "afraid" of those encouraging militarism in our society.
Be scared, yes.
But courage means action in SPITE of fears.
Never fear, these warmongers are on the way out.
My question got lost somewhere in this heated thread.

Can someone tell me why people with flat feet and/or curved backs will be disqualfied medically from serving?

These and other physical limitations have been cause for deferment from the military for a long time. I think a person who has flat feet (fallen arches) is not capable of marching hundreds of miles while carrying a heavy load. Pretty much the same reasons for spinal defects. There are actually different requirements for different branches of the Military I think. My brother had flat feet and could not serve in any service but the Air Force. I am not sure if he tried the Navy. The Marine Corps did not want me because I wore glasses, but mostly because I had the tip of my right index finger amputated as a child. These did not bother the army, but would have kept me out of elite service in almost every branch. Rangers, Recons, Seals (UDT), etc. Incidentally, some women now qualify in these where most men wash out. Pilot standards are high too. And we have more female pilots every year.

And being a conciencious objector, or not physically fit does not prevent a person from serving. Logistical support is every bit as important as combatants.
deaflibrarian said:
... If one wants to join the military they can do so irregardless of their gender.
That is possible now, as it has been for many years.

One thing about women in combat is this is not just the on-ground attacks where one would be carrying heavy equipment, etc. There's attacks from the air and water that women are perfectly capable of doing. There's the "behind-the-scenes" part such as all the people who take care of the soldiers. The medical care, the technicians, the cooks, the supply trucks, the translators, the navigators, etc., all right in the middle of a war zone. That's combat if you ask me, it is not just running around with a gun shooting at anyone that walks too fast your way or jumping from a plane into enemy territory.
Everyone in a combat zone is at risk. Often the support services are most vulnerable. Many chaplains and Navy hospitalcorpsmen serving with Marines have been posthumous recipients of the Medal of Honor.

There are tons and tons of women stronger, faster, and more adept than a lot of men in combat.
Interesting that you refer to women in "tons".

For example, firefighters, police officers, paramedics are cases where women are "in combat" or the "field of battle" and they perform above and beyond what society believes is the "weakness of the female physique."
There are always some women who have exceptional physical strength. Then again, there have been reports about the many women who cannot pass the physical requirements for those jobs. Even in the military, women's physical fitness standards are not the same as the men's.
Banjo said:
I also know Reba to be quite a religious person with a sense of old traditional values.
Quite true, but in our debate about women in combat I don't believe "religion" was even mentioned.
Just as an aside, I served my seven years of active duty before I became a Christian, and I wrote my opinion paper about women in combat before I became a Christian. I was still in my 20's and not the old fuddy-duddy that I am now.

...I'm not afraid of Reba....
I sure hope not! :hug:
Reba said:
Quite true, but in our debate about women in combat I don't believe "religion" was even mentioned. Just as an aside, I served my seven years of active duty before I became a Christian, and I wrote my opinion paper about women in combat before I became a Christian. I was still in my 20's and not the old fuddy-duddy that I am now.

Point taken.
as for the women in the draft thing..i gotta agree with banjo. The point of women's physical attributes or the fact they *might* get pregnant, does not in anyway have anything to do with military service.

the draft isn't just for combat billets, Black soldiers were drafted in WW2 to become cooks....the draft is there to beef up our army in the advent of a full scale war where a larger force is needed that what we currently have on stand-by. that includes everything from deck washers to yeomen....to combat ops.

if i told you that i owned a company, and i did not hire women because they might get pregnant, and i can't afford to have them on leave for 6 months...i think you would agree thats a pretty retarded point...i agree that the military isn't there to meet individual career goals, but the same argument you would make to me...is one i would make to you regarding compulsory military service....it shouldn't matter

and we already have women fighter pilots....ask any fighter pilot wether they feel they were in combat or not during a military engagement.
prepharmacyrk said:
That is your opinion and that is fine with me, but banjo did was contrasing or stray off from the point. and you are quitely getting there "spray from the point" banjo comes up with really ridiocalous statement about people should not having sex or showing the point where woman are capalbe of doing same thing as men does.

Reba and some of the others obviously got my point on the soldiers engaged in sexual activities being irresponsible and stupid during a war. But she had a point that there would be a lot of irresponsible objectors. It wouldn't kill anybody to abstain from sex. Especially when a nation is depending on you to fight for them.

I didn't say that women were capable of doing the same tasks as the men. I'm aware of the differences between the two sexes, but that shouldn't stop them from being able to kick someone's ass. I do believe that some women are capable of being useful in a combative situation as they are physically fit to do so.

and oh please dont threat to stop posting because i didnt get a ban. i have nothing against you or any one expect this banjo person. Im been reading his post before i join and frankly i got tired of ingoring it and i just put the end to his ingorance.

Since you're pretty new here. I have to remind you that we have established rules here, I wasn't joking about the language of yours. It's not to be tolerated here especially when it's verbal abuse. You already had thrown a good amount of racy insults toward me and the others. The moderators here won't tolerate that.

If you don't like the rules, then you don't belong here.
deaflibrarian said:
I think you have the strangest way of interpreting things, especially for a hearie. I am starting to understand how some people feel about you per past postings in this and other threads. :werd:
Some people have no sense of humor. :(
Ariakkas said:
as for the women in the draft thing..i gotta agree with banjo. The point of women's physical attributes or the fact they *might* get pregnant, does not in anyway have anything to do with military service.
The affects of pregnant troops on readiness is not just theoretical but a reality. Too many women on board ship and in forward combat units have already been sent stateside due to pregnancy, therefore leaving billet vacancies.

the draft isn't just for combat billets, Black soldiers were drafted in WW2 to become cooks....the draft is there to beef up our army in the advent of a full scale war where a larger force is needed that what we currently have on stand-by. that includes everything from deck washers to yeomen....to combat ops.
The primary use of the draft is to fill combat billets in the Army. Men are drafted into the Army only. There is no draft for the Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, or Air Force.

Any rating (Navy, Coast Guard) or specialty/MOS (Army, Marines, Air Force) has the potential to be a combat billet. It is not just the assigned specialty but the location of the billet that classifies it combat or non-combat. A Gunners' Mate in a stateside recruiting billet is not in combat. A cook in Baghdad is in a combat zone. The cook would receive hazardous duty pay, and the gunny would not.

...and we already have women fighter pilots....ask any fighter pilot wether they feel they were in combat or not during a military engagement.
Yes, I know about the women pilots. I was part of the Public Affairs team that was involved with all the media hoopla about the first Navy women pilots' training at NAS Pensacola, over 30 years ago. Flying combat aircraft was one of the legal hurdles that had to be overcome. At first women could fly only transport and support aircraft because they weren't allowed to fly "combat" aircraft or even be assigned to squadrons that were based on carriers.
The affects of pregnant troops on readiness is not just theoretical but a reality. Too many women on board ship and in forward combat units have already been sent stateside due to pregnancy, therefore leaving billet vacancies.

of course its real, i didn't mean to imply i thought it was a made up phenomonea.....but you should not hinder the ability or right..if you will....of female soldiers who wish to engage in front line combat...because a portion of people who happen to be female also can't control thier libido.

just like i would not like to be denied the ability to something, simply because a potion of other males seemed unfit...

also i'll throw this in...if women were allowed in combat...hypothetically of course...i absolutly 100% support eliminating the different physical requirements for men and women...make them pass the exact same physical tests and then allow them into combat. It should be harder for women to get into front line combat, they have to want it more.

im not nessecarily in favor of women being drafted into combat, but i feel they should be able to voluntarily...i feel women should have to register for the draft on principal...if we ever do have a draft...having more people to choose from would never be a bad thing..