Warning--The Military is After Your Children


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May 26, 2004
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I got an email from a a friend who was VERY upset that her son in high school was tricked into taking an ASVB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test. It seems that there were military recruiters at the school in question. What were they doing there for crying out loud??? Something STINKS about this, and I thought I would pass my concerns along to you. I googled and found out that yes, this is happening in our schools. The military are seeking more cannon fodder I guess. Sighhhhh, now what???
18 year olds do have to register for the selective service. Our active service people and National guard and reservists have been extended nearly beyond endurance. Remember, Iraq isn't the only place in the world our service men and women are serving. Since 1974 young men have had a free ride thanks to the men and women who feel the responsibility to serve their country and volunteer. I realize that many people are anti military. But my Grandfather served this Nation in WWI in France, My Father served this country in WWII in Europe from Normandy, transited the canal, the served in the Pacific until his ship stood station in Tokyo Harbor for Hirohito's surrender, My Uncles served along the Yalo River in Korea, a Cousin in the Stratigic Air Command during the cold war, another gave his life in the Navy during an operation you will never read about in the history books, my Brother Crew Chiefed F-111's in SE Asia, and I played my country's tune there too, so the people you detest are the ones you have to thank for your freedom to speak your opinions. :roll: I have some American Yen that Dad saved from bunkers on some obscure Pacific atoll if you want to see what the plans for you and your children were. AH so.
its just a "test"

i took it in HS too, and i was happy i did because it tells you where you rank in percentile with everyone else.

i did so well that the police department hired me after i showed them my ranking on the ASVAB test.

also, there's no "personal" information on there like the website its showing. By reading it, that website is very mis-leading. It is a very biased website.
I don't think anything "stinks" about this. There were people out trying to recruit for the armed services when I was in school. Nothing new about it.

Also, I don't see anything wrong with it. Some of the kids I went to school with already belonged to ROTC, anyway. It's quite well known that signing up for the military is a good way to get a good education since they will pay for it. All you have to do is agree to give them some of your time.

Sorry, but I don't see the "big conspiracy" here.
Codger said:
18 year olds do have to register for the selective service. Our active service people and National guard and reservists have been extended nearly beyond endurance. Remember, Iraq isn't the only place in the world our service men and women are serving. Since 1974 young men have had a free ride thanks to the men and women who feel the responsibility to serve their country and volunteer. I realize that many people are anti military. But my Grandfather served this Nation in WWI in France, My Father served this country in WWII in Europe from Normandy, transited the canal, the served in the Pacific until his ship stood station in Tokyo Harbor for Hirohito's surrender, My Uncles served along the Yalo River in Korea, a Cousin in the Stratigic Air Command during the cold war, another gave his life in the Navy during an operation you will never read about in the history books, my Brother Crew Chiefed F-111's in SE Asia, and I played my country's tune there too, so the people you detest are the ones you have to thank for your freedom to speak your opinions. :roll: I have some American Yen that Dad saved from bunkers on some obscure Pacific atoll if you want to see what the plans for you and your children were. AH so.
:roll: :roll:
I have no idea why you think I "detest" those in the military, Codger.
If you knew anything about my loyalty to our troops, about my long family tradition, you would bite and swallow your damned tongue before I force it down your cowardly throat. Go to hell.
I have no problem with recruiters at high schools and colleges.
Beowulf said:
:roll: :roll:
I have no idea why you think I "detest" those in the military, Codger.
If you knew anything about my loyalty to our troops, about my long family tradition, you would bite and swallow your damned tongue before I force it down your cowardly throat. Go to hell.
I was refering to you brave "clinical psychologist doctor" that you were quoting. I am familiar with her rants and dribble. Her rants are made possible by the sacrifices of others. And you threat does not scare or amuse me the least little bit. You do not know me well enough to threaten me. Those who know me know better.
Beowulf said:
I got an email from a a friend who was VERY upset that her son in high school was tricked into taking an ASVB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test. It seems that there were military recruiters at the school in question. What were they doing there for crying out loud??? Something STINKS about this, and I thought I would pass my concerns along to you. I googled and found out that yes, this is happening in our schools. The military are seeking more cannon fodder I guess. Sighhhhh, now what???
Why does this upset you so much? they take the test but dont mean they
force them to go into the military if i understand it right....geez.
I don't care anymore. We always have war. Nothing we can say that can change their mind, cause they won't listen. :|
deaflibrarian said:
... Where are the women in all this and why are they not being required to register for the Selective Service?
Why should they?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't care anymore. We always have war. Nothing we can say that can change their mind, cause they won't listen. :|
We are poweful.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I think something bad will happen in USA...

Terrorists are planning something.
They ALWAYS plan for something.

ever since before 9/11th occured, they are always finding ways to attack the US, so to speak.

and it wasn't even the first time that the WTC was being attacked either. (not that it was totally destoryed before...)

alot of terrorists are so damn obsessed about us they become lovesick faggots in wanting to kill us who are americans due to jealousy, revenge, and hate.
They won't leave my son alone!

He was forced to take this test last year at high school and he gave them answer allll CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC on the questions, figured he would flunk the test but they still keep calling him. Then they asked him " do u know any of your friends that has not sign up yet" He told them "well most of my friends are already in service".
Steel said:
They ALWAYS plan for something.

ever since before 9/11th occured, they are always finding ways to attack the US, so to speak.

and it wasn't even the first time that the WTC was being attacked either. (not that it was totally destoryed before...)

alot of terrorists are so damn obsessed about us they become lovesick faggots in wanting to kill us who are americans due to jealousy, revenge, and hate.
Absolutely correct. There have always been attacks against us, but we have always had the proper authority ti counter them. 911 was a high-level attack from within, so we must fight just to survive from our own government. How sick is that?? Wake up. Are we to be slaves, gentlemen?
Haha, come on...I am not sure as if you were just joking. They don't want men or women with disabilities, period. Everyone knows that, anyways.
jazzy said:
They won't leave my son alone!

He was forced to take this test last year at high school and he gave them answer allll CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC on the questions, figured he would flunk the test but they still keep calling him. Then they asked him " do u know any of your friends that has not sign up yet" He told them "well most of my friends are already in service".

I heard, they draft the young men who are in good athletic. Both of my two sons have flat feet and younger one has curve back. I do not think that they would annoy them with letters or phone calls.

I am surprised that they annoyed your son. It seems not fair to burden on your son. That is government does their job not your son. I would change my telephone number if they consistently harassed my sons.

18 year olds do have to register for the selective service. Our active service people and National guard and reservists have been extended nearly beyond endurance.

My son just turns 18 last December. I did remind him to fill out the form. He keeps postpone. Grrrrrr ! I will get his ass to fill that out form. If he doesn't do this, he could arrest or big fine on that.

Government is suck!! I would be freak out if they draft either of my son from my nest !