(WARNING: ignorant question from a hearie:)


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Feb 28, 2008
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I'm just wondering, for those of you whose first language is sign, do you dream in sign as well? I mean, I suppose you would, especially if it is your first language. But if you can hear a little, do you have sound in your dreams as well? Or if you are able to hear or speech read and sign, do you dream in both?
Also, and this is particularly for those of you who's first language is sign or asl, when you think do you think in sign? I know for me, when I think about something its kind of like hearing my own voice inside my head going through my thoughts (I hope thats not unusual for hearies LOL). But when sign is your first language, do you think as yourself signing? or a series of concepts? Please be detailed if possible because I am very curious:)
And please don't take this the wrong way, I am just a little ignorant blonde overweight girl hearie lol!
Not an ignorant question! :) To me, it's the same as asking if I dream in color or black & white.

I talk & hear fine in my dreams, as if I were hearing. I think on only 1 occasion I've dreamed in signs, but other than that one time, I always dream that I'm hearing.

How about everyone else? :)

As for my thoughts, I think in my voice, too - I think in words, not signs. When I'm "daydreaming" of a story, I see a movie in my head, with occasional phrases of words, like I was mentally writing it down.
I sign and speak in my dreams but I am also HOH. But I have talked to some of my Deaf friends and they say they signed in their dreams and some of them dreamed of speaking. I am not sure if they actually know what the sounds are but my friend claimed to be able to hear and speak in her dreams.

It is not an odd question, it has been discussed among deaf and hearing people before.
Well while I am dream, I shout once a while that scare both my parents. Reason they were scare because they think someone in the house but its from me. I speak like hearing people and they could understand me so clear. While I am awake, I couldn't speak well. My parents think it sorta of like werewolf :giggle:
Hey thanks for your answers guys, its interesting to how differently people dream!
Well, I am hoh, so when I dream I speak and hear what come naturally in the dream. But when I sign it not in my dream, Funny my sister is deaf she said she saw me use asl sign while I was sleeping, so i must have been piss at someone lol.
Well, I am hoh, so when I dream I speak and hear what come naturally in the dream. But when I sign it not in my dream, Funny my sister is deaf she said she saw me use asl sign while I was sleeping, so i must have been piss at someone lol.

I've also seen deafies sign in ASL while they are asleep. People sleep talk in their dreams so why not sleep sign.
Sometimes I was told that I was signing during I was sleeping. Also yupp I do remember I sign during my dream, but mostly I communicate through my mind in my dream, I know it's weird..
I sign and speak in my dreams but I am also HOH. But I have talked to some of my Deaf friends and they say they signed in their dreams and some of them dreamed of speaking. I am not sure if they actually know what the sounds are but my friend claimed to be able to hear and speak in her dreams.
It is not an odd question, it has been discussed among deaf and hearing people before.

Interesting , never thought of this before. I wonder if a dream analyst would interpert a Deaf persons use of sound and speech in dreams as being an unconscience desire to be hearing????
Well while I am dream, I shout once a while that scare both my parents. Reason they were scare because they think someone in the house but its from me. I speak like hearing people and they could understand me so clear. While I am awake, I couldn't speak well. My parents think it sorta of like werewolf :giggle:

:lol: that's funny. I, too, have seen that reversal behavior when my ex husband's grandfather was a better signer as if he was a fluent signer when he was dreaming. When he's awake, he can sign but he's not a fluent signer.

As for me, When I dream - I sign in my dreams.
I dream in sign - I'm hoh/d and actually speak most of the day, but I almost always dream in sign (no sound)
I used to sign in my dreams when I was young. Now it is more like telepathy.

A friend in wheelchair asked me that same question because in her dreams, she can walk (never in a wheelchair). She was in a car accident that put her in a wheelchair. Now I wonder about those who was in wheelchair since birth...do they walk (or fly?) in their dreams.
I can't really remember what I do in my dreams since I rarely remember what I dream. When I do remember what I dream, I don't really remember what was said... so I can't remember if I was signing or talking.

However, I guess it depends on the individual and how they think. How the mind works... is still one of nature's greatest mysteries. :)
I rarely sign in my dreams...often I find myself speaking and understanding speech. But more often, there is no dialogue in my dreams, everything I do are all actions, no signing or speaking.
What an interesting topic. Lots of people talk in their sleep, and they also talk to themselves when they are thinking. My ASL teacher tells me she signs to herself just like I talk to myself. I will ask her is she dreams in ASL. Great question.
I don't seem to recall having signed often in my dreams because I often remember speaking.

As for talking in my sleep, I have been known to. :)

In my dream, I do not sign or speak. It more of telepathy, E.S.P.N. thinking. We speak through our mind and read what other are telling me. I just KNOW what they are telling me without thinking sound or signing. I cant even recall the last time I signed in my own dream. Its all in telepathy mode through out the dream. :cool:
I dont recall having used sign in my dreams. Probably cuz ASL is not my first language. Like, Lucia, most of my dreams are actions without signing or speaking.
I am pretty mixed, ASL is not my first language so I thinkit depends on how much I have had to lipread and talk during that day. I guess my brain stays in whatever 'mode' its been in, IDK :cool: