(WARNING: ignorant question from a hearie:)

It more of telepathy, E.S.P.N. thinking.

You dream about TV sports? ;)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Reba, you have the same curse I have: we read way too carefully.

I speak, and I heard some sounds up till seven years ago. I guess as a result I can hear in my dreams. Maybe RayCat is right about unconscious desires. I have lots and lots of dreams with desires, both conscious and unconscious!
Interesting , never thought of this before. I wonder if a dream analyst would interpert a Deaf persons use of sound and speech in dreams as being an unconscience desire to be hearing????

Dreams have been known to be the "subconscience" of the mind. Wandering thoughts, and the mind pondering the fantasy world.

I can remember most of my dreams. I often wonder...what they possibly mean.
I always speak and hear like I was hearing in dream and when I was thinking I hear voices talking to me. And I don't know if sign language was my "first" language cuz my school taught me sign and speech at the same time, so... I notice that in my mind and dream I speak perfectly but when I try to talk it sound little funny and I get frustrated because my mouth won't cooperate with my mind :lol:
Also someone told me maybe its cuz I think too much about what to do when speaking so I makes miskates instead of totally relax and don't think about it and speak I might can speak perfectly hm good theory but I can't relax! I'm tense type person lol oh well
I've been told this before that I'm tranny I was like "what?" and person said "like you're hearing trapped in deaf body" I thought it was funny, the person said it before I went through CI progress tho and now the person's angry at me thinking I am doing this to "become hearing" :rolleyes:
Your answers are all very interesting to read! I think I will start a dream book, when I remember my dreams I will write down whatever I remember!
I remember having had a lucid dream, and I used ASL. That was awesome.
I've also seen deafies sign in ASL while they are asleep. People sleep talk in their dreams so why not sleep sign.

You know what? I agree with you,, I don't see no harm in sign while sleeping lol... as long I don't spill the beans in my dreams LOL :giggle:
Dreams have been known to be the "subconscience" of the mind. Wandering thoughts, and the mind pondering the fantasy world.

I can remember most of my dreams. I often wonder...what they possibly mean.

Yep I have to agree with you. I read a book on Freud's and he wrote book on dreams too. Out of all theories before his, and all of those today, this is the one that stands out the most. He believed that a dream represented an ongoing wish along with the previous days activities. They may even portray wishes that have been inside us since early childhood. In fact, he believed, every dream is partially motivated by a childhood wish. Another interesting idea was that nothing is made up during a dream and that they are biologically determined, derived completely from instinctual needs and personal experiences. So his theories are pretty interesting. Many of Freud's theories still stand true today, but most of all in the area of defense mechanisms our body uses while we dream. If our minds have been dealing with too much denial, regression, or repression, it causes an internal conflict, a dream in this case, to take place. This prevents us from building up intolerable states of psychological tension in waking life. This is why, if you become too emotional, it actually works to "sleep it off." You can buy Freud's books and he is interesting writer. I am so sure that there are so many writters out there have different views on dreams and how they interpret. :cool2:
I'm a hearie. I've had dreams where I'm using ASL. I should note that I know minimal sign and fingerspelling. I can "get by", but I'm far from fluent... Anyway, in the dreams I've had where I was signing, I was completely fluent as if ASL was my first language.

Also, I'm wheelchair bound. I've been disabled from birth and have never walked unaided. In almost all of my dreams I'm walking or running without any type of crutch or brace. It's kind of strange, really.
Interesting , never thought of this before. I wonder if a dream analyst would interpert a Deaf persons use of sound and speech in dreams as being an unconscience desire to be hearing????

That would depend more on what actually took place in the dream than on communication mode used in the dream.
I am hearing and am proficient in ASL. there are times when I dream in sign.. I am always fluent in my dream, never need clarification...

I love dreaming in sign...
I rarely sign in dreams. Most of my dreams are mostly actions and there's very little talking but once in a while words will be spoken.. Most people in my dreams understand each other without speaking in my dreams.
I rarely sign in dreams. Most of my dreams are mostly actions and there's very little talking but once in a while words will be spoken.. Most people in my dreams understand each other without speaking in my dreams.

Sometimes I feel that dreams are a signs or a warning something that might happens,, some it come true to me. :) A dream feel like a time travel. :cool:
That would depend more on what actually took place in the dream than on communication mode used in the dream.

What actually takes place in a dream rarely makes sense when we wake. I didnt realise we had a resident dream analysts amongst us.
I always sign in ASL during my dreaming. Even my hearing supervisor and colleagues also sign. It is interesting because my primary language is ASL. Therefore; in my dream makes sure that I understand whole of their conversation.

I wish, they can sign. Dang ! My dream always color and pleasant....

However, I had twice nightmare, surgery on my head to get cochlear implants then I perfectly speak and heard. I woke up, thanks god did not have CI on my skull. It was awful experience in my dream.

Blessing, I am Deaf and using beautiful ASL. :D
...I read a book on Freud's and he wrote book on dreams too. Out of all theories before his, and all of those today, this is the one that stands out the most. He believed that a dream represented an ongoing wish along with the previous days activities. They may even portray wishes that have been inside us since early childhood. In fact, he believed, every dream is partially motivated by a childhood wish. Another interesting idea was that nothing is made up during a dream and that they are biologically determined, derived completely from instinctual needs and personal experiences. So his theories are pretty interesting...

this has nothing to do with deafness, but i just wanted to say that I am really glad you posted this about Freud. I just finished my first year at an art college and tried to create a manifesto of my artistic "beliefs", the reason/motivation behind my style which has a lot to do with childhood and dreams. I'm going to read up on Freud now haha thanks =)
this has nothing to do with deafness, but i just wanted to say that I am really glad you posted this about Freud. I just finished my first year at an art college and tried to create a manifesto of my artistic "beliefs", the reason/motivation behind my style which has a lot to do with childhood and dreams. I'm going to read up on Freud now haha thanks =)

Ha, You are welcome. I also wish you best at college. Let me know how it goes for you in your art and reading up on Freud. :)
I rarely sign in my dreams...often I find myself speaking and understanding speech. But more often, there is no dialogue in my dreams, everything I do are all actions, no signing or speaking.
Ever sign in your dreams and wake up suddenly to see yourself still signing? ;)
Vampyrox, nope - but I've been told that I sign in my sleep. :) My mother has seen me do this many times.
Vampyrox, nope - but I've been told that I sign in my sleep. :) My mother has seen me do this many times.
Ah... heh!

I've only caught myself once or twice.

I do have a few friends who do it often depending on their dreams.

I heard about a deaf student at NTID who fell asleep on the couch in the TV lounge. Other students caught him sitting there signing with his eyes closed. When they woke him up, he was like... "Huh? I wasn't signing!"
I always use ASL/sign in my dreams and 98% of the times, any other people in my dreams uses ASL/sign. I inly recall one time very recently that a man in my dream used voice, of course I couldn't understand him, but he knew sign, I yelled at him, "YOU Stop talking! I put up with you for years! I'm fed up! Enough!" Whoa! haha. I even have characters from tv shows or movies signing as I would sometimes be a character from the shows. Weird! :) I don't 'talk' in my sleep, but caught myself smiling a lot of the times lol. Anybody else smiles in their sleep and caught themselves? heh