You're right. In fact, I have a warning for everyone.
If you eat anything with sugar, you will end up like this:
Good One.

You're right. In fact, I have a warning for everyone.
If you eat anything with sugar, you will end up like this:
Hi ADers,
I do beleive that Kalisa do not intend to upset you with those pictures but suggest you/show her care about your health. To me, I do not see that Kalslia mock you with those pictures. Please re-read her word "It could happen to you..... or them".
One side - I have seen any pictures of obesity women and men everywhere in health magazines, internet, emails, websites, hospitial, etc. to help the people to take care of their health issues because they want to lose their weight badly. Those pictures wake a lot of obesity people up and stick the picture in the fridge or kitchen wall to keep food habits away which it works on them mostly.
other side - I can understand the point how some people feeling because they have the problem with weight due medical reasons.
Let's hope the Nutty Professor and his family don't see this.yes, it supposes to be a joke. I got this from email. Just like you blow the balloons. What happen to the bottom of the balloon. It is the same idea with small feet.
There is no offense at the fat people !
Now, that's creative! I'll have to try that sometimes.
I do not make any fun of obesity people. This supposes to be a joke. I got it from a friend of mine email. Thought, want to sharing this joke in AllDeaf.
Wow, those people are taking too personal which is not necessary.
By the way, I am in a special weigh loss program since two weeks. I feel good about myself. I need to focus what I am eating and do excerise due to my health condition. I will be 50 in December. It is time for me to change my life style what I am eating.
Thanks for your feedback![]()
Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Pork Chop etcs has Worms in it, you can grill it, fry it but it won't kills the worms causin' Parasites...
Parasites causes Cancer!!!
IACUC Learning Module - Swine
Pork Contains Worms and Causes Disease? -
News from the ILRI website
Untitled Document
Tapeworm research moves closer to wiping out lethal brain disease : Media Releases : News : The University of Melbourne
Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Pork Chop etcs has Worms in it, you can grill it, fry it but it won't kills the worms causin' Parasites...
Parasites causes Cancer!!!
IACUC Learning Module - Swine
Pork Contains Worms and Causes Disease? -
News from the ILRI website
Untitled Document
Tapeworm research moves closer to wiping out lethal brain disease : Media Releases : News : The University of Melbourne
Lard is good for your skins cos the human skins needs the fats to make new cells for the skins.. It replaced every 7times in one year.
Respectfully disagree.
Therer'e good and bad fat...
Bad fat increase bad cholesterol, cancer, heart etc. Lard is one of bad fats.
You need good (healthy) fat to replace skins, bone health, hair, reduce blood cholesterol levels - avocados, olive oil, sunflower oil, Raps oil, canola oil, olives, salmon, nuts (watch out some nuts have high calories).
Also, eat moderately the fats is also important as well too.
Yes, it's very important to take good fat daily. You should take between 30 and 60 gram good fat a day (it should be limit 30 - 40 % of your total calories.)