Warning About Bacon Grease

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May 20, 2003
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The question is: Do you use bacon grease?

We were raised on bacon grease (lard) as kids and even into adulthood.?

I will never use it again. I hope you will throw yours away whenever you fry bacon from now on. It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore.


This is what happens when you keep cooking with bacon grease. This is a warning, send this to everyone you care about.

It could happen to you......or them.


Bacon grease will make your feet small!!
Warn everyone!!
I eat bacon alot. Guess what? I'm still slim. Thank godness for high metabolism
I don't really find anything funny with the picture. :dunno:

Speaking of bacon grease, many older (and some younger) people use bacon greases in some foods while cooking. They taste real good when you put some in pinto beans. You gotta have everything in moderation and you will be fine. :)
LOL big purple letters. I eat bacon but i never got fat. I am wonder Kalista is one of them?. LOL
Oh I love bacon grease for corn, beans and etc and even gravy. I'm still slim. But yeah, not get excessive. My metab is very high still.
Oh I love bacon grease for corn, beans and etc and even gravy. I'm still slim. But yeah, not get excessive. My metab is very high still.

yeah good foods....have you try turkey round with bacon?.(<---grill is best) It is good one.
and again from TFWFalcon's comment: read more careful from Kalista's comment before you start post here.

Hello Guido...

Oop... it's wrong person then forgot it.
I understand what you said about lard is not safe....

But you could have said, it causes artery clog, heart problem...

But you don't need to put pictures of fat women...

Imagine if I said

We need to have lean muscle tone body... {MOD NOTE: edited comment}
How would you feel?

You insulted fat people by showing that picture.

You don't get it, do you? That is sad.
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I understand what you said about lard is not safe....

But you could have said, it causes artery clog, heart problem...

But you don't need to put pictures of fat women...

Imagine if I said

We need to have lean muscle tone body... {MOD NOTE: edited comment}
How would you feel?

You insulted fat people by showing that picture.

You don't get it, do you? That is sad.

Yes, that's good point.
Simply Recipes: Rendering Bacon Fat

This link tells you how to "rendering bacon fat"

My Dad use bacon on the oven-grill to rid of fats. After read your link and agree about paper towels to soak fats. I alway do that when I make doughnuts.

I love to eat bacons but we don´t have British bacon like this here in Germany... I alway eat bacons when I visit my family in England.... :giggle: Eat bacon moderately won´t harm.
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