I am NATURALLY an advocate for children, so I think they should grow up with their innocence in tact and comfortable in their environments. It hurts my heart to read you all's testimonies about how no one in your families learned Sign language and that you had to go to school with children not like yourselves. It's hard for me to even understand how you have been deaf all your life and just learned ASL after age 20! I'm like WTF have you been doing all this time to speak and be heard?
How in the world did you do that? I would call you all who grew up like that superbrains! Because you did an exceptional thing learning to speak without hearing and learning to write legibly.
I am starting to pick up on the folks here at AD who sign, or naturally speak another language (other than English). Its like you SPEAK ASL.
Its kinda cool. My son does that, and for the past two years it would drive me crazy how I could say a simple four word sentence and ask him to repeat it- and he would eliminate a word or two. After learning that, in ASL some words aren't necessary, his speech made complete sense to me. It still drives me up a wall that he cannot repeat word for word what I am saying
, but I attribute that to his attention and not trying. Hell, even if I don't speak German, if you say a line, I can repeat it!
After the full-on exposure to ASL, his vocalized sentences are getting MUCH better. GO FIGURE!
Before I had my son, I thought I was incapable of love towards another human being (whole 'nother story about ME, LOL). I love him so much, so I will do whatever I need to to get him right and make him happy.