No Jiro. Please, you need to educate yourself first before you make such gross generalisations about the very beautiful Vardon family.
I have been following the family and since the show & still kept tabs on them.
Their oldest son, Stefan, wrote to the show, not the Vardon parents. The oldest son went to Australia for the summer on the parents' firm intentions he go and not worry about his younger brother Lance.
Stefan grew up interpreting for his parents and when Lance was born with the dual disabilities. Blindness,
deafness and autism, Lance would bolt out of the door and leaving his parents freaking out & running after him in the middle of the night searching for Lance.
Larry, the father, would sleep would Lance to ensure Lance's safety. Judy, the mother, gave up a lot of her hobbies so she would make sure Lance prospered both at home and school.
Both parents really suffered financially but kept each other sane with a lot of love. You could see the love in their marriage and in the family.
Through the show, Stefan was given an all-expenses paid for university program. You could see how Larry and Judy would break down so many times in the show because they were happy for Lance's safety. They didn't worry about finances because it was all about Lance and his safety.
Stefan at the end of the show said, he could now go to university without worrying about his brother's safety.
Now Jiro- you tell me if the Vardons should sell their home?? I don't think so. I really hope the whole Deaf and DeafBlind community rallies behind the family and does fundraising. It does take a whole village to help raise a child, in this case, Lance.
You can see the recap of the whole show here. -