update on frankie

sorry i hate all strollers

me and the bf are arguing over weather our high chance of not having a disability baby needs 1
we are trying to get him the special tomato eio stroller..its cute and functional. i just dont think a kid should get medical equipment they dont need..i mean, its almost obnoxious. i would never cart my kid around in a wheelchair, especially to our therapy center, and then just let him bound out in front of kids who really cant walk and who do need their wheelchairs.
Precisely, the key with kids with disabilties is that you need to give them special needs stuff and see if they can benifit from it. Just b/c you hated the special needs stroller, it doesn't mean that Frankie won't....Besides, Frankie will prolly only need it for a bit.

That's true. Except, I need to correct you since his Mom corrected me. Frankie CAN walk short distances. She needs the stroller for him for places like malls and things where he would have to walk or be carried long distances. As I mentioned, not that different from your "typical" toddler. :)
sorry i hate all strollers

me and the bf are arguing over weather our high chance of not having a disability baby needs 1

That's just it. It's your bias at play here. Not everyone feels this way. In fact, it is much more demeaning to be carried everywhere; especially once you become an older child.
we are trying to get him the special tomato eio stroller..its cute and functional. i just dont think a kid should get medical equipment they dont need..i mean, its almost obnoxious. i would never cart my kid around in a wheelchair, especially to our therapy center, and then just let him bound out in front of kids who really cant walk and who do need their wheelchairs.
ok how many disabled adults do you no?

many of my friends can walk but dont with dx of cp,sb,md
i know an absolute shitload.


seriously, i do. what on earth does that have to do with anything?
im sorry that i am not a baby wearing fanatic. i have managed to raise 7 kids so far though that are on the right track, and havent impregnated anything or gotten themselves addicted to drugs, and are literate and even housebroken. i think im doing fine.
we are trying to get him the special tomato eio stroller..its cute and functional. i just dont think a kid should get medical equipment they dont need..i mean, its almost obnoxious. i would never cart my kid around in a wheelchair, especially to our therapy center, and then just let him bound out in front of kids who really cant walk and who do need their wheelchairs.

It's also damn near impossible to get equipment as it is; even when it IS needed. I highly doubt you'd run into a situation where you'd get equipment that isn't needed.

As for the wheelchair, I'm glad it's not needed in his case; simply because you play hell getting insurance approval. Wheelchairs ARE covered by most medicaids, but I can't tell you how many times, we've had denials before they finally went ahead and approved the stinking chair. It's almost like they do it just to make you mad as heck! It used to take me six months to get an approval for my chairs. It was not unreasonable to think it would take nearly a YEAR to get a chair!

When I moved to FL, and needed a new chair, I was in SHOCK when it only took me a MONTH to get the chair I have now!!! It all depends on what insurance you are dealing with. If you're dealing with medicaid like I am, it was quite the nightmare before they finally went ahead and approved the stinking chair!
That's just it. It's your bias at play here. Not everyone feels this way. In fact, it is much more demeaning to be carried everywhere; especially once you become an older child.

not only that, its weird to want to force an older child to be carried like that..it reminds me of that lady who breastfed her daughters until they were 8 and 9 years old..
his hearing aids and occupational therapy took a month to get approved, and he really does need those things, im not wasting time on getting things he really doesnt need to have.
Sorry but way im reading this thread

Is you that will never accept he needs a chair and that you will use the stroller (larger ones that will need to purchased as he grows)as long possible

Please tell im wrong

So you think he needs a chair, but it's okay for you to tell the mom to carry Frankie in a homemade canvas backpack ?
oh no, because for one, he would fall right out of one of those, and also...he wouldnt need it. he just need something to hold him up and out of the way and that will lie flat. i am hoping he outgrows this and he will, hes only a year and a half so im pretty optimistic.
It's also damn near impossible to get equipment as it is; even when it IS needed. I highly doubt you'd run into a situation where you'd get equipment that isn't needed.

As for the wheelchair, I'm glad it's not needed in his case; simply because you play hell getting insurance approval. Wheelchairs ARE covered by most medicaids, but I can't tell you how many times, we've had denials before they finally went ahead and approved the stinking chair. It's almost like they do it just to make you mad as heck! It used to take me six months to get an approval for my chairs. It was not unreasonable to think it would take nearly a YEAR to get a chair!

When I moved to FL, and needed a new chair, I was in SHOCK when it only took me a MONTH to get the chair I have now!!! It all depends on what insurance you are dealing with. If you're dealing with medicaid like I am, it was quite the nightmare before they finally went ahead and approved the stinking chair!

Little off topic for this thread, but Medicare paid for my father in law's last powerchair, and I think he said he has to live 13 months before it is considered his.

Now he has terminal cancer, and I wonder, is the government going to show up and reclaim his wheelchair when he dies? I also wonder what the would do with it.

Sometimes I think government regulations are quite odd.
ok how many disabled adults do you no?

many of my friends can walk but dont with dx of cp,sb,md

OK. Now, you're being disrespectful.

Please bear in mind that I have spina bifida (SB), and I can assure you that my Mom used a stroller with ME when I was Frankie's age. I also had to be TIED to the damn thing because I wasn't able to sit up until I was almost a year old. Eventually, I met certain developmental milestones, but quite late. I learned to sit, crawl, and, eventually, as a preschooler, I learned to walk with brace and crutches.

Frankie's issues are more cognitive rather than physical, but for his Mother's ease and Frankie's safety, the stroller is the best thing for Frankie, and there is NOTHING wrong with using a stroller. You just have a bias against it. That's your problem; not hers.
So you think he needs a chair, but it's okay for you to tell the mom to carry Frankie in a homemade canvas backpack ?
i could just chunk him in a duffel bag and cut some air holes for him!

they give them out free at the bank i think.... :hmm: