But I will say this, I wish Ron Paul was up there instead of John McCain.
Democrat haven't been majority in congress after 1994 election since when more conservative democrat are switched to republican in 1994 due agree with philosophy and other issues, it went return to control in congress in after 2006, speaking of issue with Pelosi, it's your opinion if she's worse but for me, I don't dislike her, I'm just more between on her, even she's better than previous speaker from republican in before 2006, in my opinion.
No, it's not true, supply of oil in earth has been decline since demand has went skyrocketing due China and India are using more oil as USA does, we are #1 most consume on oil since our population is smaller than China and India. Gas price has went skyrocket in after 2003 when republican is majority in congress, even gas price has really nothing to be majority blamed on congress or president, very small chance. Drilling in offshore or AK to increase of domestic oil wouldn't help to make cheap on gas price since oil are sold on market, it will be take 10 years to find oil and more expensive to produce it. AK has very lower oil reserves when compare to Canada, Russia, Saudi Arabia and several other countries that's contain rich of oil, it will last for less than 3 years if 100% replaced by domestic oil from import oil and there's alot of environment issue about drilling as well. Speaking of republican lift the ban on drilling in offshore an AK and price of oil dropped to $30 aren't true, there's no source for like that, drilling ban haven't lifted yet either. It's better way to tighten on emission regulation to increase the mpg, other energy sources and alternative fuels, anything beside of oil.
I forgot to mention about my previous post that republican don't support free market with regulation, The info that you sent link has nothing with existing of credit and mortgage crisis, it has with financial institution regulation, that where republican had loosen it in late 90's or early 2000's, it causes credit and mortgage companies to bubble so rapidly then burst were occurred in late 2005 when crisis started. Remember about Great Depression, the economy were recovered by democrat president, free market isn't always work for anything without any regulation.
There's no thing to be dictatorship, democrat party in USA has nothing with part of dictatorship, even regulation on companies or eveything, such as oppose to deregulation has nothing with that, it's regulation to protect us from into threaten of economy. I'm not going to discuss about Nazi, it has nothing with that, again. Speaking of free market will work if regulated, no, it's not true, republican does make more loosen on regulation and allows more into free market with less regulation, it happened in 7-8 years but now, economy is crashed, it's not most of democrat's fault to cause like that, speaking of blocking the regulation from democrat aren't true either. Republican is known for job that favor into free market with less or no regulation, I'm favor into free market with regulation, some of strict regulation on few others, including bank, credit, mortgage, auto and emission.
Canada don't have mortgage or credit crisis due strict financial institution regulation, unlike in USA does, neither in many other countries, except for affected if invest into economy with USA.
Not true, federal minimum wage is very important thing with economy, even without minimum wage then many Americans would suffers into high poverty and more difficult on life, also don't have enough money to meet the needs, not every companies are really trustfully, if make $1.50 per hour today then would be not very enough. Minimum wage need to be increase based on inflation as economy goes growing. Dropping the cost of living has nothing with minimum wage, there's alot of other effects could make cost of living goes up or down, it had adopted in after Great Depression.
Excuse me for off topic, in during shortly after Katrina, they are ordered to be leaving due flooding, health hazard and other issues, everyone who are from New Orleans area are require to leave until recover is in effect, after recovered, such as flooding went drained, except for rebuilt in later after that then everyone is return to home again, that's not joke. Katrina is really has nothing with blame on parties (republican or democrat) or political, we doesn't know if Katrina went bad, it happened then government has learn the mistake from that, they are doing different way with other hurricane in post-Katrina, such as Gustav. Everyone is begin home in there, including one of my relative and few friends, even can't be avoid because of hurricane, look in FL, FL has 18 millions in population that where located in hurricane zone. Due respect to Jolie (post at #70), we can't discuss about situation about Katrina in further, just need search on other thread that related to Katrina or discuss in private messaging.
Who cares about other countries, Iraq isn't our country that we could care with that, Iraq war was mostly situation with between Bush and Saddam, it was happened in 18 years ago or so but invasion isn't start until 2003 then war have been continuing after that, we need get out of war to save alot of money, even wartime cost alot of money and US has nothing to interfere with Iraq in past, look in China, North Korea, Iran, Sudan and other few countries are really abuse on human rights, we could nothing to do with them, it's their choice at own risk, we couldn't send all war on it for numerous reason. WW2 is very old, historic, republican and democrat are very different in nearly 20th mid-century from today. Iraq war has nothing to be compare with WWII because WWII is most world is in war but Iraq war is very smaller chance, just between US and Iraq, including few allies with US as well. I'm really don't care about illegal immigrants, if you are speaking of issues with illegal immigrants then that's your opinion. English isn't official language in USA but some states adopted it for government jobs. For stand of diverse, it has happened in other countries when not speak their language, we should respect their culture, long as they aren't interfere with us, even we offers translator to assist with communication in different language.
I'm neutral on bailout plan, many companies have been victim of crisis, such as Apple and MS, also not going to discuss like that in this thread because we have other thread to discuss about economy crisis, also don't expect if I'm reply or not.