U.S. Election Nightmare Scenario

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The Majority of what he supports has been voted and preach.

A lot of Obama's preaching changes with the fart of a wind. I have watched Obama support something and then he backs out of it and goes with what McCain said cause the general population liked what McCain said.

Care to share some examples to back up this statement? I've been watching all of the Obama rallies on CNN and not once did I hear him agree with any of McCain's proposals. If anything, McCain has been struggling to separate himself from Obama. The best McCain can do is try and convince us (ad nauseum) that Obama is going to raise taxes on those who make $42,000/year. In regards to flip-flopping, McCain is guilty of doing the same. One minute he says we shouldn't have a bailout plan and the next he says we should.
Care to share some examples to back up this statement? I've been watching all of the Obama rallies on CNN and not once did I hear him agree with any of McCain's proposals. If anything, McCain has been struggling to separate himself from Obama. The best McCain can do is try and convince us (ad nauseum) that Obama is going to raise taxes on those who make $42,000/year. In regards to flip-flopping, McCain is guilty of doing the same. One minute he says we shouldn't have a bailout plan and the next he says we should.

I agree with the bailout flip flop. The biggest flipflop that everyone should know about is the Nuclear plant support. Obama was against it, McCain was for it. General population agreed with McCain, and then Obama was for it after all was said and done.
I never been a big supporter of Democrat due to how they have run the country. The only Democrat I liked was Bill Clinton for certain reasons such as decreasing the debt of America. But put in so much BS handouts, and tax cuts on imports that it has hurt us in the end and people are losing jobs because that company can ship it over sea cheaper then having it made in America.

Unions has killed America's jobs supply too. They had a place in history but now is not the time.

Where have you been the past 8 years while Republicans were running this country into the ground?

My problem with people like you is that you continue to repeat the same old crap like a broken record, even if it has been debunked countless times.

And that is just not true about unions.
You must be using some news source completely unknown to the rest of us.

It's called Faux Noise and it's a network of right-wing parrots, squawking over and over.
Yes, I do live in the UK and yes of course I do believe very strongly in HUMAN AND animal rights which naturally includes baby rights too. I won't pretend to know all about the USA but I do know all about polititons like Obama who lie and smooth talk their way into office and break all the promises once they get here as that's what we got in england and now I look at the Conservative government as 'the good old days'. While I might not have liked their policies I was at least free to hate them. Freedom seems to be vanishing in europe I may not really aprove of the republican policies. I'm against war but I hate the idea of America being just like Europe which seems to be one big Nanny state. I would like American's to learn from UK experience and not vote in politicians like Obama who lie their way in and can't be trusted at all.

Barrack does not care about human rights at all because he overturned ruling to give rights to babies born alive despite being aborted. He wants them killed then he lies about it later on. So do you really want a president that lies and supports leaving babies to die in a cold room for up to 45 minutes? I can only hope that enough american's are against that kind of thing. The story I am refering to is here:

FOXNews.com - Former Nurse on Obama's Controversial Abortion Vote - Sean Hannity | Alan Colmes | Hannity & Colmes

By the way China is a dictatorship.

Massively exaggerated post...!!! big Nanny state? Huh? I can´t see anything why you compare America with Europe because they are total different.

I don´t see anything what Obama´s side in that link, you provided here but Hannity and Stanek. I rather listen Obama´s side, not Hannity and Stanek... *shrug*

I only know that Obama said that he support abortion because he respect women´s choice.

You said that you are against war but McCain and Palin support war.

Where have you been the past 8 years while Republicans were running this country into the ground?

My problem with people like you is that you continue to repeat the same old crap like a broken record, even if it has been debunked countless times.

And that is just not true about unions.

The majority of the downfall we have experience was in the last two years. Lets see, price of oil jumped sky high, regulation of people increased, handouts for folks who won't work when they can has increased, and cost of living has raised due to cost of oil.

What happened almost 2 years ago? Oh yea Democrat took over the Congress in pecentage! You asked for changes you got changes.
You cannot blame this on the Democrats! They can't even pass half the stuff they want to pass because the Republicans block everything. They only have a tiny majority.
I think it rather interesting that McCain, initially, had wanted to be a Presidential candidate within the Democratic party. Today, he's the Republican candidate.

Does "madison" know about that? Undboutful because ignorance is bliss - as madison proves, clearly. Democratic issues? "madison" is desperate to paint ignorance upon the opponent.

Keyword: desperate
I think it rather interesting that McCain, initially, had wanted to be a Presidential candidate within the Democratic party. Today, he's the Republican candidate.

Does "madison" know about that? Undboutful because ignorance is bliss - as madison proves, clearly. Democratic issues? "madison" is desperate to paint ignorance upon the opponent.

Keyword: desperate

If you want to play that game what about Joe Biden???
You cannot blame this on the Democrats! They can't even pass half the stuff they want to pass because the Republicans block everything. They only have a tiny majority.

Dude, the Republican pointed out afew time in the past about Fannie future if they did not increase the regulation on mortgage. Here we are with a bailout situation and all the Democrat can do is sit on their thumb??

This kind of crap should have never happened as the lady should not have gotten the mortgage in the beginning!!

Fannie Mae forgives loan for woman who shot herself - CNN.com
George Bush has been in office for 7½ years. The first six the economy was fine.
A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2½ year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the Dow Jones Stock Market hit a record high, 14,000
5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large...

But, the American's wanted 'CHANGE.' So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress, and yes, we got 'CHANGE' all right.

In the past year:
1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing;
3) Unemployment is up to 5..5% (a 10% increase);
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 trillion dollars and prices still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure;
6) The Dow is probing another low .. $2.5 trillion dollars has evaporated their stocks, bonds and mutual funds investment portfolios.

Yes, in 2006 America voted for 'CHANGE'....

Remember, the President has no control over any of these issues..Only Congress!! And what has Congress done in the last two years?? Absolutely nothing!!

Now, the Democratic Candidate for President claims he is going to really give us a 'CHANGE,' along with a Democratic Congress!
Reid to Renew Oil Shale Ban, Deny Americans Vast Energy Resources During Economic Crisis

09/25/2008 - 12:46:53 PM

We've just been alerted that despite House Democrats relenting on extending bans on offshore drilling and oil shale in the continuing resolution (CR) appropriations bill, Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid has decided to sneak an extension of the oil shale ban through as Congress fights over the financial bailout. Oil shale in America's West is estimated to hold be between 800 billion and 2 trillion barrels of oil -- that is more than three times the proven oil reserves in Saudi Arabia alone.

Here is the text of Reid's proposed new ban on oil shale, that he is trying to add as an amendment to the CR or move seperately as a "stimulus" package, or we should say an anti-stimulus package if this is included.

Sec 1602 continues ban on oil shale. The language follows:

SEC. 1602. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including section 152 of division A of H.R. 2638 (110th Congress), the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009, the terms and conditions contained in section 433 of division F of Public Law 110–161 shall remain in effect for the 19 fiscal year ending September 30, 2009.
It would be an insult to all Americans if Senate Democrats worked to bailout Wall Street while damaging our future prosperity by banning development of vast energy reserves in oil shale.

United States Senator - Jim DeMint
You don't think anything will come out of Obama pulling the troops in the near future you are so blind you can't see the back of your hand!

YouTube - Obama's Youtube Arrogance Just Became A Nightmare

As soon as the troop is pulled out that country will be over taken again and they WILL attack us again like they did on 9-11-2001.

The majority of the military force is scared shitless of Obama's promise to pull out. His father should have pulled out!

here is a video clip show what i am talking about,
YouTube - Obama's Youtube Arrogance Just Became A Nightmare
As soon as the troop is pulled out that country will be over taken again and they WILL attack us again like they did on 9-11-2001.

How exactly is the presence of troops in one country prevent attacks? Isn't that a bit naive? (By the way, the people who attacked us are NOT in Iraq.....)
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