Trump: Obama Must Release Birth Certificate

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And what percentage of church members do they represent?

I guess you could say Rev. Wright's messages failed to sink during the Obamas' attendance. Or did it? :hmm:

I wouldn't have any idea of the actual percentage. I've never bothered to do an empirical study on it.

You could say that, I suppose, if you wanted to.

Are you implying that there are not people who attend church who behave contradictory to the teachings of their religion?
Did you not notice that I didn't use uppercase? I wasn't referring to the name of a plan. It is national, not universal. It's for our nation's people, it's not voluntary, and it's supported by our federal government. That makes it national, not state, not private.

Still two different concepts.
The very concept of national health care is liberal.

Well, the Ryan budget might be backpedalling this, but during the health care reform debates, conservatives didn't seem overly concerned with repealing the national health care plans of Medicare and Medicaid, in fact going the opposite direction and defending them.

But as jillio said, a liberal proposal would have actually been a universal national health care plan. Instead, he punted on the problem and essentially gave insurance companies millions of new required customers in exchange for not being allowed to screw over sick people nearly as much.
I think you're being a bit modest, here.

You are exceptional, and that's a good thing.
I'm not exceptional at my church, and I also know of many churches with the same kinds of congregations. :)

Our church encourages active listening and not limiting Bible study time to church hours.

Sorry, I'm getting :topic: .
Well, the Ryan budget might be backpedalling this, but during the health care reform debates, conservatives didn't seem overly concerned with repealing the national health care plans of Medicare and Medicaid, in fact going the opposite direction and defending them.
Not all Republicans are true conservatives. The RINO herd is alive and well. :giggle:

But as jillio said, a liberal proposal would have actually been a universal national health care plan. Instead, he punted on the problem and essentially gave insurance companies millions of new required customers in exchange for not being allowed to screw over sick people nearly as much.
I agree that neither side was really thrilled with the final result, albeit for different reasons. :)
Not all Republicans are true conservatives. The RINO herd is alive and well. :giggle:

I was referring more to the groundswell that I saw at the town halls from self-proclaimed "conservatives" screaming that they better not let "those damn liberals lay a finger on my Medicare" and in the same breath talk about how "Socialized medicine is evil". The disconnect was huge, and certainly not limited to the so-called "RINOs".

I agree that neither side was really thrilled with the final result, albeit for different reasons. :)

Indeed. Basically, everyone came out unhappy. :)
I wouldn't have any idea of the actual percentage. I've never bothered to do an empirical study on it.
Then I would say those examples aren't typical of church goers.

You could say that, I suppose, if you wanted to.

Are you implying that there are not people who attend church who behave contradictory to the teachings of their religion?
I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight out that either Obama slept thru all of Rev. Wright's sermons, or he heard them and didn't care what he said because he was attending for political expediency, or he heard them and agreed with them. Which do you think he did?
I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight out that either Obama slept thru all of Rev. Wright's sermons, or he heard them and didn't care what he said because he was attending for political expediency, or he heard them and agreed with them. Which do you think he did?

Well, this is probably more hopeful projection than anything, but I'd go with option #2. At least, my hope is that he's not really religious, but just playing it up because the "atheist" label is political suicide in our country.
Then I would say those examples aren't typical of church goers.

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight out that either Obama slept thru all of Rev. Wright's sermons, or he heard them and didn't care what he said because he was attending for political expediency, or he heard them and agreed with them. Which do you think he did?

Where did I say it was typical? Just said I knew of them.

Frankly because I do not have transcripts of each and every sermon preached by Rev. Wright and attended by Obama, I would have no idea. Can't make such a judgement based on one or two out of context excerpts.
I was referring more to the groundswell that I saw at the town halls from self-proclaimed "conservatives" screaming that they better not let "those damn liberals lay a finger on my Medicare" and in the same breath talk about how "Socialized medicine is evil". The disconnect was huge, and certainly not limited to the so-called "RINOs".
The problem with Medicare is that we're forced to pay in to it, so when the time comes that people are eligible to use it, of course they want what they paid for. Many people would have much preferred to have been allowed to use that money to get their own medical insurance.

I've been paying in to Medicare since 1968. As self-employed people, Hubby and I pay the employer and employee share. I hope that we don't have to use Medicare when we turn 65. I hope we can keep our Tricare coverage and VA clinic services. Yet, even if we never use Medicare, we don't get a refund for all those years we "contributed" to it.
Where did I say it was typical? Just said I knew of them.
Since they were soooooo atypical, why even mention them?

Frankly because I do not have transcripts of each and every sermon preached by Rev. Wright and attended by Obama, I would have no idea. Can't make such a judgement based on one or two out of context excerpts.
If I was attending a church where I heard even one racist sermon, I wouldn't hang around.

If Rev. Wright didn't say anything wrong, why did the Obamas quit?
Since they were soooooo atypical, why even mention them?

If I was attending a church where I heard even one racist sermon, I wouldn't hang around.

If Rev. Wright didn't say anything wrong, why did the Obamas quit?

Neither did say they were atypical. I said they existed.

Perhaps the Obamas were not in attendance that day.

I don't know. You will have to ask the Obamas. I don't think that anyone has suggested that Rev. Wright did not make some racist statements in a couple of sermons. That still doesn't mean that every sermon he preached was racist.
Since he did quit, is the issue that it was not fast enough?

No, that is not the issue. The issue is, he would still be attending a racist church if it hadn't been for right wing "racist" nut jobs.

Oh, and it was completely racist that he was called on it too. You're not supposed to criticize Obama, doing so is blatant racism.
Since he did quit, is the issue that it was not fast enough?
That's the question. Why did it take Obama 20 years to leave a church where racial hatred was preached?
No, that is not the issue. The issue is, he would still be attending a racist church if it hadn't been for right wing "racist" nut jobs.
Oh, and it was completely racist that he was called on it too. You're not supposed to criticize Obama, doing so is blatant racism.

How can you possibly know that? Frankly, you are not astute enough regarding human behavior to even pretend to make predictions like that.
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