I personally hated the FM system when I was at school for the same reason as Love Zebras but now I'm at work and only have to concentrate on one person, it's great, I wouldn't go without it.
One of the complaints in the UK at least is that students don't like to feel isolated when using FM system. They feel blocked off from the other students.
That's even with there FM program set up as FM+M as well![]()
When connected to FM system, Lotte's processor has the option for both scenarios: hearing the teacher and surround sounds or only the teacher..is it because they only hear the teacher and not the students??? My daughter has one for school....
The supreme court refused to define a limit on "non-academic and extra-curricular activities".
The use of supplementary aids can be used within the home environment, I am 100% certain of that.
Beyond the facts of the matter, I wouldn't have been able to get that SELPA policy changed if that weren't in fact true. I don't have time to search for more "proof" beyond the actual law itself and the other link I already provided. When (and if) I have the time to search, maybe I'll post something else.
Parents just need to be aware of this fact, and assert their child's rights if they believe it may be of benefit to them.
The OP is a parent of a DHH child herself and resides within the United States. This fact may prove to be useful information for her in the future.
is it because they only hear the teacher and not the students??? My daughter has one for school....
I sometimes think the only reason why audis push At home FM use is so they can sell more technology.
From everything you just put up, it looks like it is intended to be for activities occurring at the school;outside the educational environment only seems to be used to mean no only during instruction in the classroom.
I actually just came across a link that says you can take the FM home, if it's written into the IEP:
Q. The school has gotten an FM system for my child that has really helped. We would like to use it at home too. Can we?
A. Yes, if it is written into her IEP that she needs it at home and at school. Learning goes on both at home and at school. If it helps her at school, it may also help her at home.
I think it depends on the jurisdiction though, we certainly can't do that here (Toronto, Canada).
Or it might make her look stupid and turn the people she wants on her side.
Special postcards = your baseless paranoia. Post a photo or it doesn't exist (hint: it just doesn't exist). It's your self-styled "little piggies" who have conducted the terrorizing offline and the posting on AD of personal information, names, workplaces, harassing the children of posters, and even posting google maps of posters' homes.
They left, did they? So apparently you all have your work done. Why did you all bring them up again and again. They are way gone already last year. How about you all, it's time to move on, and be happy.
Suzanne, you are going to get valuable insight from those who were born with severe-profound loss about their lives. Unfortunately, you're also getting a lot of misinformation when those who know well what it meant to be deaf 30, 40, 50 years ago, and what the technology and educational options were like then, attempt to extrapolate that knowledge to what it means to be born deaf today, what educational options exist today, what technologies are available, and how deaf children are doing/feeling about their options today. Take the feedback from someone born deaf 40, 50 years ago as important, but remember that it's a very different world today for your toddler than that which some here have faced.
You, yourself, are very much the expert on raising a child with a hearing loss given that you have an older child doing so well with hearing aids. You've got great feedback available from parents like Csign sign, and is successful with hearing aids. You've got great input here from several parents of children born like yours, severe-profound, who have all used HAs and later CIs and whose kids have attended a range of deaf schools and mainstream environments in recent years and are experiencing their children's reactions to their options and choices in real time. Consider that there's value in input from both these groups.
Those who didn't want you to hear about how children are doing today made sure that your thread asking for info from the parents of today's kids was filled with their arguments and then closed. You have asked in two places for input, but with the one venue addressed specifically to parents of deaf children hijacked and then closed, it's not clear how to get the information to you you asked for.
But I really need useful commentary. not arugment.
My daughter has phonak aids......she does have access to it her Fm system for after school activites.....even at home but we dont have any use for it here as of now. We were asked if we wanted to take it over summer but we said no need. we didnt want her to depend on it daily. On bike rides and outside we can still get her attention. her brother on the other most likely will need one for such activites since his loss is more severe. I have never had anything "pushed" on me technology wise buy any audiologist and we deal with 3 of them right now. Even in the past before we moved never had the issue. I guess I maybe lucky if that were to occur. I have switched audiologist once cause I didnt feel like she knew what she was doing. My daughter loss is stable not progressive for now that is..you
never know. but the audiologist kept messing with the volume and my daughter would say they are too loud! I vented my concerns and they were still not met so I said screw it ..I switched. Anyways our school so far is great with the FM but I am dealing with the FM turning off one of her aids.....I posted that in another thread "technology" one and still at a loss on what the heck is going on. But her team is good about checking them throughout the day to make sure they stay on. But still there are days when only one is off.
Anyways our school so far is great with the FM but I am dealing with the FM turning off one of her aids.....I posted that in another thread "technology" one and still at a loss on what the heck is going on. But her team is good about checking them throughout the day to make sure they stay on. But still there are days when only one is off.
is it because they only hear the teacher and not the students??? My daughter has one for school....