To Cochlear Implant or to re-Hearing Aid; know thyself what you want, my Deaf ears?

Not 100% true. I have two friends who are a lot deafer then you, very deep profound / off the charts, who actually still get more benefit from their HA then they do with their CI. They've had their CI for about 12 years now and still benefit more from a HA but they still gain very little from their HA as well.

This is only a reply to this post, not at all a reply to the thread.

My hearing loss is the sort you describe, off the charts (what I can "hear" is mostly vibration.). Even with Naida hearing aids maxed out my hearing is still severe to profound. My hearing aids let me know that sounds exist but they don't make sense.

I don't think a CI will be a cure for me but considering that I am apparently a very "good" hearing aid user considering my degree of hearing loss (very good means I can guess 12% of sounds with my hearing aids and with speakers at 100db. Most people wouldn't count that as a win.)
It really is t a win at all.

I'm at the point where hearing aids are pretty much pointless (oh boy, I can hear a lion just before it eats me alive! Yay hearing aids!). Being able to detect sound and being able to make sense of sound is so much different!

Of course people with moderate or severe hearing loss have trouble considering a world where hearing aids just make noise noiser.
That is all they do for me.
Originally Posted by NaidaUP
Not 100% true. I have two friends who are a lot deafer then you, very deep profound / off the charts, who actually still get more benefit from their HA then they do with their CI. They've had their CI for about 12 years now and still benefit more from a HA but they still gain very little from their HA as well

This is only a reply to this post, not at all a reply to the thread.

My hearing loss is the sort you describe, off the charts (what I can "hear" is mostly vibration.). Even with Naida hearing aids maxed out my hearing is still severe to profound. My hearing aids let me know that sounds exist but they don't make sense.

I don't think a CI will be a cure for me but considering that I am apparently a very "good" hearing aid user considering my degree of hearing loss (very good means I can guess 12% of sounds with my hearing aids and with speakers at 100db. Most people wouldn't count that as a win.)
It really is t a win at all.

I'm at the point where hearing aids are pretty much pointless (oh boy, I can hear a lion just before it eats me alive! Yay hearing aids!). Being able to detect sound and being able to make sense of sound is so much different!

Of course people with moderate or severe hearing loss have trouble considering a world where hearing aids just make noise noiser.
That is all they do for me.

That's actually been my point all along.....Everyone responds differently to hearing technology whether it be HAs, or CIs. CIs can totally rock with situtions like late deafened,progressive loss, recruitment, poor speech reception scores(ie in the forty-ish percentile and worse)very little or no response with aids BUT,even
then it does seem like end hearing results from CI vary tremendously and from person to person......I've also seen people told to expect "listening without speechreading abilties"(even hearing people speechread!) or their kid hears around 60% with aids but they're fixtated on "they can't hear well in noise" (um that's a part of being HOH)
People have to have an anything is possible , but nothing is promised attitude,when it comes to CIs......They can and do rock.....especially for people in specific situtions.........but it also seems like everyone responds to them very indivdually......Almost exactly like with hearing know...there are folks with profound and severe losses who are functionally HOH with aids......and then there are folks who don't get a lot of benifit from them.....and then there's everything in the middle......That's the way it is with CIs....some folks are "almost hearing" with them but benifit from them varies tremendously all along the line.And even with the fact that CIs can work well for some people, they still have has limitations b/c at best they can only give a user HOH level functioning...HOHness is NOT hearing!...HAs rock yes but they still have limtations...If the CI was a new hearing aid that was being REALLY hyped I'd say the same thing.....Be skeptical,but openminded.

That's actually been my point all along.....Everyone responds differently to hearing technology whether it be HAs, or CIs. CIs can totally rock with situtions like late deafened,progressive loss, recruitment, poor speech reception scores(ie in the forty-ish percentile and worse)very little or no response with aids BUT,even
then it does seem like end hearing results from CI vary tremendously and from person to person......I've also seen people told to expect "listening without speechreading abilties"(even hearing people speechread!) or their kid hears around 60% with aids but they're fixtated on "they can't hear well in noise" (um that's a part of being HOH)
People have to have an anything is possible , but nothing is promised attitude,when it comes to CIs......They can and do rock.....especially for people in specific situtions.........but it also seems like everyone responds to them very indivdually......Almost exactly like with hearing know...there are folks with profound and severe losses who are functionally HOH with aids......and then there are folks who don't get a lot of benifit from them.....and then there's everything in the middle......That's the way it is with CIs....some folks are "almost hearing" with them but benifit from them varies tremendously all along the line.And even with the fact that CIs can work well for some people, they still have has limitations b/c at best they can only give a user HOH level functioning...HOHness is NOT hearing!...HAs rock yes but they still have limtations...If the CI was a new hearing aid that was being REALLY hyped I'd say the same thing.....Be skeptical,but openminded.

I generally agree, but I've met a number of implanted people who have better hearing comprehension than most normal hearing people I know. More than I would have expected, really. My subjective experiences are actually pretty much the polar opposite of yours -- it's extremely rare that I meet implanted people who aren't having a good measure of success and it's even rarer that I meet someone who doesn't wear their implant at all. I've only met one person who gave up on it and hasn't tried to get revision surgery.
I generally agree, but I've met a number of implanted people who have better hearing comprehension than most normal hearing people I know. More than I would have expected, really. My subjective experiences are actually pretty much the polar opposite of yours -- it's extremely rare that I meet implanted people who aren't having a good measure of success and it's even rarer that I meet someone who doesn't wear their implant at all. I've only met one person who gave up on it and hasn't tried to get revision surgery.

Are they late deafened or have a progressive loss? Also define sucess.....Yes, it does seem super rare for someone to get low level comprehension....but it still happens...Ask any of the TODs on here.
I still stand behind what I just seems like response to CI varies tremendously and from person to person
Sorry about what you're going through. I'll be 60 later this year and began wearing hearing aids (HAs) in fifth grade. So, I think that was @1964 or 65. I have you beat wearing analog aids by closer to 20 years (so a little less than 50 years to your 30). Insofar as I know, the aids never changed my hearing. I was born with a loss that turned into bilateral otosclerosis. Earmolds no longer fit my ears due to surgeries and rebuilding of my ear canals. I tried a couple of digital aids when my hearing was likely in the severe range (not profound). They didn't work due to my ear canal issues - earmold+digital aid didn't work together. Digital aids are reversible :), CIs are not. Ironically, CIs may be covered by insurance but digital aids are typically not. It's so stupid and I don't know what drives this economically.

Honestly, I'd check with a dealer or audiologist (get a recommendation) and ensure they have a clean and clear return policy - try it for 30 days and return it undamaged if it doesn't work without charge. Get it in writing. Digital aids are so superior to analogs that you can't compare the two.

If you can get a copy of your current audiogram to Lloyd's Hearing Aids (am I allowed to do this I don't get kickbacks!) on the internet IF you don't have earmold issues, you can try them. For my Oticon analogs they were literally 1/2 the price but I don't know what happens with digitals. I contacted them for a friend to follow-up (who didn't ...). They said they use your audiogram to do the settings but my guess is you'd need someone local for the fine turning. So you'd have to ask them if you need them adjusted, how does that work. If it's over the internet, see if there's someone else out there who has lower prices with local dealers. With a now defunct internet company (, their aids were cheaper for a while. I would pay a local person $300 to do the fitting. It was refundable if it didn't work and that's who I used many years ago.

A CI is your last step and potentially very expensive one. I figured at my age and a useless ear, what have I got to lose. It sounds weird but I didn't realize I'd lose bone conduction - only in my right ear. I'm dealing with it and the conduction was good. Now, however, I can eat pickles and kimchi without being driven up the wall. Sounds odd but it is a small advantage. Here's how Reba responded to my question about processing music and it's a great article.
Questions on the Host's Hearing - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I'm having adjustment issues to the CI and music isn't there (that's when Reba responded with the fabulous link). I won't get into my own experience because I've only had it since 10/24/13 and Limbaugh speaks to much of what I'm going through.

If you research CIs on the internet, try to stay away from the three FDA-allowed CI-controlled sites. Cochlear (65% of the market), Advanced Bionics (15%), and Med-El (15%)-ish :) . Where alldeaf doesn't allow us to talk about certain issues :aw:, my CI company's site with a nice name (it's not obvious who owns it) does ensure information is only positive. Therefore, comments remotely pushing people away from their product will be deleted. It happened to me. Some people don't care. I do. I need the truth and that's why I'm sticking with this forum. The big business CI companies have a product to sell. It makes sense but is deceitful. Just be careful.

Best of luck to you.
-- Sheri
Are they late deafened or have a progressive loss? Also define sucess.....Yes, it does seem super rare for someone to get low level comprehension....but it still happens...Ask any of the TODs on here.
I still stand behind what I just seems like response to CI varies tremendously and from person to person
With different brains, how in the world could anyone seriously disagree with you DD? I won't speak from experience, because I don't have it yet. Your statement is just logical (and I would remove your word, "... it just seems like..."
If you research CIs on the internet, try to stay away from the three FDA-allowed CI-controlled sites. Cochlear (65% of the market), Advanced Bionics (15%), and Med-El (15%)-ish :) . Where alldeaf doesn't allow us to talk about certain issues :aw:, my CI company's site with a nice name (it's not obvious who owns it) does ensure information is only positive. Therefore, comments remotely pushing people away from their product will be deleted. It happened to me. Some people don't care. I do. I need the truth and that's why I'm sticking with this forum. The big business CI companies have a product to sell. It makes sense but is deceitful. Just be careful.

Best of luck to you.
-- Sheri

Yes, when you are researching CI's you want impartial, factual information. You go to the official websites for the manufacturers when you have already pretty much made your choice. There are a number of websites that aim to provide impartial information away from the manufacturer websites that avoid marketing terms and go straight to the facts.

That said, Advanced Bionics website, which uses their own company name in the URL, is very obvious in who owns it. There is no attempt to hide it. The discussion forum owned by Advanced Bionics, Hearing Journey, is also obvious. The portal to it is found at AB's official website under "Get Connected" which falls under AB's Bionic Ear Association, which are all AB implantees. The website is intended to bring together AB users and candidates who have decided on AB. Hearing Journey falls under the Bionic Ear Association services which includes the Connect To Mentor area and the Listening Room which is intended to provide aural rehab practice online. At the bottom of Hearing Journey, you'll find that it is sponsored by the BEA as well as the copyright info citing Advanced Bionics.

On further thought, SBirn, I believe part of your perception of Hearing Journey when it comes to feeling you were mislead as to the ownership has more to do with how you were or who directed you to Hearing Journey, of which I have no knowledge. Ownership of Hearing Journey and it's mission statement are also clearly outlined in the Guidelines, which you were to review upon sign-up to the site. Also, you are really a newbie when it comes to the topic of CIs and are likely not aware of the issue of Brand Wars. Brand Wars are waged by users promoting their brand of CI at all costs, often with incorrect information or outright propaganda. For that reason, many social sites have rules against such "discussions," however they still happen anywhere you have users of all brands in the same forum. Hearing Journey is meant to provide a safe haven for AB users away from all of that. You do not see them so much here at AllDeaf because the reality is; CI Users as a majority do not frequent AllDeaf. This is a very small town when it comes to CI users. I believe Hearing Journey just doesn't suit you and your personality. You are quite a character (I mean that in a complimentary way) and may feel too constricted within the boundaries of Hearing Journey.
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Sorry about what you're going through. I'll be 60 later this year and began wearing hearing aids (HAs) in fifth grade. So, I think that was @1964 or 65. I have you beat wearing analog aids by closer to 20 years (so a little less than 50 years to your 30). Insofar as I know, the aids never changed my hearing. I was born with a loss that turned into bilateral otosclerosis. Earmolds no longer fit my ears due to surgeries and rebuilding of my ear canals. I tried a couple of digital aids when my hearing was likely in the severe range (not profound). They didn't work due to my ear canal issues - earmold+digital aid didn't work together. Digital aids are reversible :), CIs are not. Ironically, CIs may be covered by insurance but digital aids are typically not. It's so stupid and I don't know what drives this economically.

Honestly, I'd check with a dealer or audiologist (get a recommendation) and ensure they have a clean and clear return policy - try it for 30 days and return it undamaged if it doesn't work without charge. Get it in writing. Digital aids are so superior to analogs that you can't compare the two.

If you can get a copy of your current audiogram to Lloyd's Hearing Aids (am I allowed to do this I don't get kickbacks!) on the internet IF you don't have earmold issues, you can try them. For my Oticon analogs they were literally 1/2 the price but I don't know what happens with digitals. I contacted them for a friend to follow-up (who didn't ...). They said they use your audiogram to do the settings but my guess is you'd need someone local for the fine turning. So you'd have to ask them if you need them adjusted, how does that work. If it's over the internet, see if there's someone else out there who has lower prices with local dealers. With a now defunct internet company (, their aids were cheaper for a while. I would pay a local person $300 to do the fitting. It was refundable if it didn't work and that's who I used many years ago.

A CI is your last step and potentially very expensive one. I figured at my age and a useless ear, what have I got to lose. It sounds weird but I didn't realize I'd lose bone conduction - only in my right ear. I'm dealing with it and the conduction was good. Now, however, I can eat pickles and kimchi without being driven up the wall. Sounds odd but it is a small advantage. Here's how Reba responded to my question about processing music and it's a great article.
Questions on the Host's Hearing - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I'm having adjustment issues to the CI and music isn't there (that's when Reba responded with the fabulous link). I won't get into my own experience because I've only had it since 10/24/13 and Limbaugh speaks to much of what I'm going through.

If you research CIs on the internet, try to stay away from the three FDA-allowed CI-controlled sites. Cochlear (65% of the market), Advanced Bionics (15%), and Med-El (15%)-ish :) . Where alldeaf doesn't allow us to talk about certain issues :aw:, my CI company's site with a nice name (it's not obvious who owns it) does ensure information is only positive. Therefore, comments remotely pushing people away from their product will be deleted. It happened to me. Some people don't care. I do. I need the truth and that's why I'm sticking with this forum. The big business CI companies have a product to sell. It makes sense but is deceitful. Just be careful.

Best of luck to you.
-- Sheri

I realize you have some issues with the CI sites but I have to say, you are the only one that seems to have that issue. There are plenty of users of other CI's that frequent the site you seem to hate so much and just a word of warning, the misinformation you are spreading is bordering on libel and you could find yourself in some serious problems. I think every other user of these sites knows full well who owns and operates the sites. I've visited and participated in the sites for 2 of the 3 companies and found them warm, welcoming and very informative.
Okay, this is where I get a little ticked off. I know the site you like and I never called it out. I understand you enjoy it and I never knocked you for that.

* * * *
Yeah, it looks better this way. Space, Asheville, peace. This looks funny.
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Not doing this one either. A blank field for a response is so much prettier.
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Okay, this is where I get a little ticked off. I know the site you like and I never called it out. I understand you enjoy it and I never knocked you for that. I am NOT spreading misinformation ... the rest is in my response to BP. Lay off. You have misinterpreted what I said.

Just warning you--you have put this information in print and what you are saying can get you into legal trouble. Doesn't matter that you haven't stated which site, it's easy to figure out and even if it wasn't, the general information could be taken by any of the 3 and then you end up with 3 lawsuits. Just a warning. Take it for what you want.
Just warning you ...
And, in the spirit of the Denver Broncos winning the AFC, I'll delete my response to this posting, despite being "warned" and let this go in peace. The other guys can battle it out. I realize my post will be carried forward since I imagine there have been responses. But I can only answer to myself. I agree. This is ridiculous.
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some of the "implanted's" fanaticism borders on the religious.......scary
some of the "implanted's" fanaticism borders on the religious.......scary

So if I told someone that is new to the topic that Deaf people are all uneducated idiots on SSI draining the system and then you argued that I was ignorant while citing facts, I'd be correct in assessing that your Deaf fanaticism borders on the religious? Yup, exactly that.
some of the "implanted's" fanaticism borders on the religious.......scary
Dude, I agree with you. My implant was stepped on one too many times to close my eyes and ignore the comments. But with a bit of magic, I'm will no longer feel or see them. I opted not to ignore it initially because being stepped on isn't fun. But, there is no delete or rewind button. I looked and I most certainly asked in all the right places.

You have choices. In your immediate future they're not that tough because you can take your time and read what you want and consult with the subject matter experts in the fields (HAs and CIs). You read what is available and you'll have an audiologist available to help you. There are many valuable suggestions on this thread. Obviously, old problems were resurfaced that I wish had not - not for you.

Best of luck.
So if I told someone that is new to the topic that Deaf people are all uneducated idiots on SSI draining the system
Go on,,(drags cigarette deeply, exhales smoke in the shape of a cochlear implant that vanishes in mid air)
tell us how you really feel.
and then you argued that I was ignorant while citing facts,
where did i argue this?
I'd be correct in assessing that your Deaf fanaticism borders on the religious? Yup, exactly that.
you would, would ya?
(scratches ass)
Go on,,(drags cigarette deeply, exhales smoke in the shape of a cochlear implant that vanishes in mid air)
tell us how you really feel.

where did i argue this?

you would, would ya?
(scratches ass)
Hochi man once again retains his calm and provides interesting visual images. Concise and to the point.
Go on,,(drags cigarette deeply, exhales smoke in the shape of a cochlear implant that vanishes in mid air)
tell us how you really feel.

where did i argue this?

you would, would ya?
(scratches ass)

:roll: Why am I not surprised you have reading comprehension issues as part of your portfolio of problems. This is why you are being ignored in other threads by others. There is no dialogue to be had, just a complete waste of time.

Write your reply...