No. Are you?
Huh? The parents are correct. They are open mind and search to find out... they found out that homosexuality and transsexual are not the same thing. The people often confused transsexual with homosexuality which it´s not. They need to search to find out the difference between transsexual and homosexuality. I know already a long time ago that transsexual and homosexuality are not same.
Transsexual = a person who consider himself as woman and wish to be woman. A man feel being trapped in woman´s body.
homosexuality = a person who have sexuaility feeling toward same sex person.
Yes, I know all that. I've known it for years. So? It's the
parents who said that
they were relieved that the child was not a homosexual. That shows
their bias, not mine.
Remember that 4 years old is a toddler like every toddlers... Of course they need the help if they grow out from toddler to young child. I applause the parents for seek the help to find out what wrong with Tim when he was 8 years old...
I was just wondering why they waited for so long. If they knew something was "different" when the child was age 4, why did they wait until he was age 8 to take him to the doctors?
Do you force your children to wear something what they don´t want? Do you choose something for your children when they don´t like? Is it because you want for them...?
Of course. Who's in charge, the parents or the kids? Who buys the clothing? They need to wear clothing appropriate to the setting (follow the school rules), appropriate to the activity (don't wear expensive, nice clothes for yard work), and appropriate to the weather (no flip flops in the snow). Sometimes kids don't have the judgment to do that. Other than that, she had free choice for colors and combinations.
That's why they need to be trained. I always explained the reasons for wardrobe changes. I really didn't need to make many changes. But when there was a dispute, Mom made the decision.
I don´t force my children to wear when they are young children but themselves... Example, I showed them which color match of clothes... but they insisted to wear different than I suggest them... I remember that Danny choose to wear green/orange jeans with red/yellow top...
I told him... it´s not right color... He said he like it... I accept it. It´s same with my other son as well... They grow out from young children to young adult and know which right color they like to wear. I never force them. It´s normal that the children like to pick werid color clothes... they will laugh when they grow out of young children to young adult.
Color choices were the least important factors to me. I was more concerned with appropriateness.
Did you know that there´re male ballet Dancer? I don´t mind if my sons want to be male ballet Dancer because I want them happy...
Of course I know there are male ballet dancers. Our tax man is also a professional dancer. (He owns a prestigious tax firm downtown, and dances internationally; he's also married to a former dancer, and they are parents of cute twins.) So?
Ok, I don´t see anything wrong if the parents accept what their children are... I find super that they are open mind and accept what their children are... I find sad that a lot of parents made decision for their children because they thought the best for them without consider/focus their feeling...
How do we
really know that the parents just accepted what the child was, or actually
encouraged and influenced his direction?
I will see something wrong with the parents if they refuse to accept that their sons are gays or consider themselves as girls.
Well, according to the article, the parents were relieved that their son
wasn't gay. So in your eyes, they would be "wrong".
But that's a moot point since the child wasn't homosexual.