In order for benefits to continue, one has to have a periodic review.
Yes, they have periodic review initially, but they don't give you SSI on a temporary basis if you don't look for work. That's what I meant that they don't enforce you to look for work either with Vocational Rehabilitation or elsewhere so you get off their SSI.
But the intent of SSI is to provide a supplement while the individual looks for work or goes to school or training.
Having a disability is enough to qualify you to receive SSI until you decide to work and earn more income to get off SSI support.
I thought you meant to say that SSI gives you temporary support, but that's not true. What I think you meant to say is that SSI is to help you while you find work. Still, SSI doesn't screen if the person receiving SSI is just being lazy or looking for work, that's why I say that it isn't true that SSI is only temporary. You can still get it and SSI won't stop it as long as you qualify as someone who has a disability.