The Walking Dead

I agreed with your hubby. It makes the viewing less exciting if you already know what happen.

I started to watch it then start to lose my patience. So i took the cliffnote from asking my friend. :giggle:
How come these zombies are able to catch up to their intended victims when the victims were running while zombies were dragging along? And barely escaping back to their vehicles and driving off with them gnawing at their car windows?
Ehh, not sure what scene you're talking about but I suppose it's because there are many of them and they are everywhere in every direction so if you keep running, you'll likely to get attacked by a new group of zombies along the way. And sometime... they'll come out of nowhere.
Ehh, not sure what scene you're talking about but I suppose it's because there are many of them and they are everywhere in every direction so if you keep running, you'll likely to get attacked by a new group of zombies along the way. And sometime... they'll come out of nowhere.

Yeah? Like managing to sneak up on one victim from behind when the whole forested floor is littered with leaves during Autumn and not hear anything at all?
Yeah? Like managing to sneak up on one victim from behind when the whole forested floor is littered with leaves during Autumn and not hear anything at all?

It's TV and if TV were realistic, I'd like to know why with all the gun play last season and people shooting at each other so much, why was everyone missing? Why, if we're being realistic, is the ammo never running out, and why was the first young man that got killed in this season's opener, holding his shotgun in such a way that he was aiming it at two of the characters instead of holding it correctly....I've given up asking such questions because TV just doesn't mirror reality, so for your question - the zombies are everywhere because it's entertaining and that's what the producers wanted to see.

somebody has taken a wee bit too much leaf. I mean yea... it's a TEEEEE VEEEEE :lol:
It's TV and if TV were realistic, I'd like to know why with all the gun play last season and people shooting at each other so much, why was everyone missing? Why, if we're being realistic, is the ammo never running out, and why was the first young man that got killed in this season's opener, holding his shotgun in such a way that he was aiming it at two of the characters instead of holding it correctly....I've given up asking such questions because TV just doesn't mirror reality, so for your question - the zombies are everywhere because it's entertaining and that's what the producers wanted to see.

I know. Everything they do defies the laws of physics including not being able to outrun foot dragging zombies. . :giggle:
I have absolutely no idea. Who did you think did that? Also somebody buried 2 bodies at the end of the episode and one of them is Tyreese's girl, wtf? Whoever did that is f-crazy!
i suspect it were kids.

the couples of burned corpses according to their coughs that could leads to the flu spreads. :dunno2:
I think its the kids as well, the 2 little girls who lost their dad were the ones naming the zombies and cared about them to an extent.... I would believe its the older daughter, maybe coaching her younger sister along.
Rick asks Carol, "Did you burn Karen and David?" which she gives him a simple reply, "Yes." and then walks away.

Is that the reason Carol was getting all upset after sad Tyreese asked her to look after his sister...? That her murdering attempt to stop the spread was not successful?

I certainly hope nothing happens to Glenn. I don't want him to die any time soon. Daryl, Michonne and others best get the antibiotics and arrive back before it's too late, although the part with tons of zombies blocking the road was pretty damn cool.
I hope Judith dies and Glenn lives, does that make me a bad person? lol I agree, because I told my father "50 mile trip should only take a few hours tops" and at first I thought he would have taken his motorcycle, because on a main road packed with cars, that's the obvious choice, but the number of zombies on that little back road was insane. Daryl just beat Rick's record from
I hope Judith dies and Glenn lives, does that make me a bad person? lol I agree, because I told my father "50 mile trip should only take a few hours tops" and at first I thought he would have taken his motorcycle, because on a main road packed with cars, that's the obvious choice, but the number of zombies on that little back road was insane. Daryl just beat Rick's record from


Well, I read TWD fans said the baby should stay dead because it's cruel to bring a child in that world. So, no, you're not really bad person at all. Also, those are another members said the show should stick with the original novel where Judith was killed during the attack. So, additionally, some fans hate babies because Baby Judith is sooo "annoying." Yeah, it's kinda irrational thing to say.

I'm just curious. Why do you want that baby dead? What reasons do you think she should dead?
I doubt anything will happen to little ass kicker because the writers aren't following the scripts. Glen I suspect will live when Daryl and the others get back with the meds. I think the real enemy will be when the Gov returns.
Honestly I wouldn't care if Judith dies, but that could make Rick crazier (and more annoying) than he was when Lori died. Remember how different of a person Morgan became after the death of his son? That could be Rick or maybe even worse...

Speaking of Rick, I think he gave up his role as a leader since he refuses to go to council meetings. You know the discussion about how we don't agree with his disagreement to Carol's teaching on how to handle weapons... It turns out in episode two that he has nothing to do with that. Carol is just afraid that he will tell the kids' parents who may not understand.