I'm lovin' it! You got it; your go, Byrdie.

1. Kid's snack
2. Blue and yellow (or orange--however you look at it.)
3. It's the CHEEZIEST!
I'm lovin' it! You got it; your go, Byrdie.
1. Kid's snack
2. Blue and yellow (or orange--however you look at it.)
3. It's the CHEEZIEST!
Time for more clues....
4. It's now microwavable.
5. Name brand
6. Takes 10 minutes to make.
You got it.
1. Drinks sirop de cassis and tisanes.
2. From Belgium.
3. Only fictional character to get New York times obituary.
Elementary, my dear Bottesini. <<Chase adusts his deerstalker hat and draws on his calabash pipe>> Clues in this case clearly indicate Conan Dolye's "The Adventure of the Speckled Band."
Thank you.
1. Named during 1870 expedition of western territories
2. World famous public park icon
3. Predictable spurts
Very fast . . . and very close. You have the location. Now you need its most famous icon.