The Trio Game

I lived on Geneva Avenue by the Cow Palace and attended Bayshore Elementary School for the second half of the fourth grade . . .

San Francisco?
So...did you leave your heart in S.F.?

At least fragments. Katherine Andresen, the prettiest girl in Mrs. Stark's room at Bay Shore Hellementary, broke my heart. Then Lois O'Brien, the second prettiest girl and best kickball player trampled it to bits. Then Frances D'Angelo, the only girl in the fourth grade with cleavage busted it, so to speak, again.

Another “island.”

1. Once a political “island” surrounded by land.

2. Residents supplied by aircraft June 1948 to May ‘49.

3. Mascot was and is a bear.
At least fragments. Katherine Andresen, the prettiest girl in Mrs. Stark's room at Bay Shore Hellementary, broke my heart. Then Lois O'Brien, the second prettiest girl and best kickball player trampled it to bits. Then Frances D'Angelo, the only girl in the fourth grade with cleavage busted it, so to speak, again.

Another “island.”

1. Once a political “island” surrounded by land.

2. Residents supplied by aircraft June 1948 to May ‘49.

3. Mascot was and is a bear.

Berlin, Germany? Also was known as the "Berlin Airlift" since the Communists surronded the city.
1. Highest Nipponese mountain

2. Last erupted in 1707

3. Also known as Husisan or Husiyama
No sneaking a little reshuffled geography past you. Your turn to amaze and puzzle.
1. Thousand of islands

2. Former American territory

3. Recruitment of nurses from this country is at an all-time high.
1. Thousand of islands

2. Former American territory

3. Recruitment of nurses from this country is at an all-time high.

More clues:

4. Leader exiled to Hawaii.

5. "The shoes are for the people of my country"-- First Lady of __________

6. American military pulls out due to demands of the people causing their government and economy to collapse as it was dependent on the military.
Ah, the infamous Ferdinando and Imelda Marcos. Thanks for the shoe clue. The Philippines or Philippine Islands?
You got it.

Thanks. This one "hold depants" on you.

1. Zeta, a triple star system, known formerly as Alnitak, a single giant blue star

2. Delta, a double star, known formerly as Mintaka.

3. Epsilon (Alnilam), the bright blue-white super giant.
More clues

Too bad Starrygaze and FreakyCat don't play; they could belt out the correct answer right away.

4. A constellation within a constellation

5. an accessory on a hunter's outfit

6. three stars in a straight line
Close. You've got the major constellation. The three stars at midriff are Orion's _ _ _ _.