1. It Happened at the World’s Fair
2. The Thing (Carpenter’s color version playing on the Sci Fi channel as I write this)
3. Overboard
Almost a full day gone by without guesses, so here are three more movie clues:
4. Superdad
5. Breakdown
6. Soldier
Kurt is the man! Your turn to mystify and dazzle.
1. Deaf Art movement
2. Born in Seattle, WA in 1949.
3. " I started scribbling in my mother's womb.... "
*smh* I'm:jaw: at some of you deafies! No one knows the answer to these clues?!
Time for lessons in Deaf Art!
Ann Silver ( I was gone, babysitting )
Roland Blain, Haitian painter?
i recalled that painter when i was at RIT, i was happened in library and reading a magazine- National Geographic. He's famous painter.
Is he from Indiana and had a television show?
Louis Frisino? It struck me up fast.
Deaf Education do paid it off. Thanks! lol.