The Tea Party are RACIST!!

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Isn't it amazing that so many who consider themselves to be intelligent and socially aware are so capable of ignoring the historical social context and justifying racist behavior?

It truly is baffling. I've seen this line of reasoning among others. Notably, the day after the 2010 election, many conservatives were saying, "Well, no black person can ever complain about racism again in this country because we finally have a black president." Oh, really?

BTW, nice to see you. :wave:
Fallacious reasoning.

First off, what you are saying is that when comparing a black politician to a monkey/ape, the racial epithet does not apply simply because white politicians have also been the butt of this joke? The problem is, when white politicians are compared to apes and monkeys, it is simply a commentary on their intelligence. Is that crude and sophomoric humor? Absolutely. Racist? No. When Obama is compared to a monkey, it is a commentary on both his intelligence and on his racial inadequacy. It does not matter if the creator of the cartoon was just trying to comment on his intelligence. The caricature invokes the history of the epithet 100% of the time. That is unavoidable, and as such, it is racist by extension, rather than intent.

Secondly, I'm not saying Obama shouldn't be subject to satire at all. Don't put words in my mouth. I'm saying he should not be subject to racial epithets. There are plenty of ways to make Obama's intelligence the butt of a joke without including the image of a monkey. Just about all political cartoonists understand this, which is why you don't see any political cartoons comparing him to a monkey (he gets compared to plenty of other things though). It baffles me why you do not.

Agreed. Unfortunately, the racial epithets have abounded and been far too prevalent for one to say that covert racism is not at the root of the majority of objection to Obama's presidency. Only those who tend to engage in it, either passively or actively, deny that fact.
It truly is baffling. I've seen this line of reasoning among others. Notably, the day after the 2010 election, many conservatives were saying, "Well, no black person can ever complain about racism again in this country because we finally have a black president." Oh, really?

BTW, nice to see you. :wave:

Thanks. Got caught up in assisting a friend with a research project. I still haven't learned to say "No.":giggle:

Okay, back on topic.
it truly is baffling. I've seen this line of reasoning among others. Notably, the day after the 2010 election, many conservatives were saying, "well, no black person can ever complain about racism again in this country because we finally have a black president." oh, really?

Btw, nice to see you. :wave:

'08 ?
Agreed. Unfortunately, the racial epithets have abounded and been far too prevalent for one to say that covert racism is not at the root of the majority of objection to Obama's presidency. Only those who tend to engage in it, either passively or actively, deny that fact.

Totally unfounded and ridiculous..... "majority" :laugh2:

The country is split. Many hated Bush for his policies and many feel the same about obama's...... Then some of us dislike both. :)
Totally unfounded and ridiculous..... "majority" :laugh2:

The country is split. Many hated Bush for his policies and many feel the same about obama's...... Then some of us dislike both. :)

Not unfounded at all. In fact, you have done much to support just that assertion.:cool2: Nice to see that you are continuing as expected.
Name calling and putting a picture like the baby monkey were both offensive. I don't know if she is serenely meant that she apologized for what she send an e-mail. Watermelon is the same offensive to Black people too. Anyone who does not understand of their feeling of being hurt when someone who incited them like they don't belong being with the white people as equal.

Now you see what Donald Trump and Marilyn Davenport trying to blame President Obama about his birth citizenship (birth certificate). I wish them to stop this nonsense. They are not showing their respect for their President. It is disgraceful on their parts. :roll:
Name calling and putting a picture like the baby monkey were both offensive. I don't know if she is serenely meant that she apologized for what she send an e-mail. Watermelon is the same offensive to Black people too. Anyone who does not understand of their feeling of being hurt when someone who incited them like they don't belong being with the white people as equal.

Now you see what Donald Trump and Marilyn Davenport trying to blame President Obama about his birth citizenship (birth certificate). I wish them to stop this nonsense. They are not showing their respect for their President. It is disgraceful on their parts. :roll:

Agreed. Things like that say more about the undesirable character of the person saying such things than about the person they attempt to slander.
Agreed. Unfortunately, the racial epithets have abounded and been far too prevalent for one to say that covert racism is not at the root of the majority of objection to Obama's presidency. Only those who tend to engage in it, either passively or actively, deny that fact.

Totally unfounded and ridiculous..... "majority" :laugh2:

The country is split. Many hated Bush for his policies and many feel the same about obama's...... Then some of us dislike both. :)

While I'd agree with a lot of what else has been said by jillio in this thread, I have to agree with TXg on this point - simplifying it down by saying "a very vocal minority has been c/overtly racist means that the majority of opposition to him is based on racism" is ignoring all of those who would equally hate any liberal politician (such as, say, TXgolfer) or even just someone they perceive as liberal (see: Obama).

That's not to say that there aren't a number of people who hate him just because he's black, but I'd be very cautious of assuming that any significant portion of those who oppose him are racists.
WOW! One Tea Party activist FORWARDED an email and now the ENTIRE party is racist and trying to start a "race riot" :laugh2: Perhaps the intent of the picture was to make fun of his ears. People did it to W and Ross too.
Somehow, I think the intent was more racist than how his ears look. But hey, that is just me thinking aloud.

Posts that exaggerate like the OP make me sick.
Agreed. Same with "Palin targets AZ congresswoman" or "Obama is not an American citizen because we have not seen his birth cert" or "Obama does not permit mentioning of Christmas but declares Islamic holiday must be celebrated" or countless other slanderous/libelous emails. Thankfully, I consider every email of this nature as totally false until proven otherwise.
Agreed. Same with "Palin targets AZ congresswoman" or "Obama is not an American citizen because we have not seen his birth cert" or "Obama does not permit mentioning of Christmas but declares Islamic holiday must be celebrated" or countless other slanderous/libelous emails. Thankfully, I consider every email of this nature as totally false until proven otherwise.

It very well may have been racist in it's's also possible that it's was forwarded by people who took it's meaning differently than the intent. My issue is more with the one person/whole party thing
Not unfounded at all. In fact, you have done much to support just that assertion.:cool2: Nice to see that you are continuing as expected.

No need to get personal.

You are entitled to your opinion. *shrug" Until you have hard facts to support it, it's just opinion. I have the right to disagree with that opinion and treat it like "Texas signed" "PhD" and other "facts". :cool2:
I'm against these denigrating cartoons and emails, period.

I read the original link, and I couldn't find anything that indicated the email was any kind of Tea Party origin or mailing. Why is the Tea Party being labeled racist for the actions of one pea-brain person?

I'm curious. How did the NAACP and the press find out about the email?
I'm against these denigrating cartoons and emails, period.

I read the original link, and I couldn't find anything that indicated the email was any kind of Tea Party origin or mailing. Why is the Tea Party being labeled racist for the actions of one pea-brain person?

I'm curious. How did the NAACP and the press find out about the email?

It's political spinning.

One person who has any semblance of authority for a political party sends out inflammatory email to people s/he knows. At least one of the recipients says "Well, this is in poor taste and I will incite her opponents by showing it to them" (paraphrasing - prolly more like "Rawr, this makes me ANGRY"). Preconceived storylines (in this case "Tea Party is racist") are used to paint all people who happen to agree with that person's politics as having all of that person's individual faults.
I'm against these denigrating cartoons and emails, period.

I read the original link, and I couldn't find anything that indicated the email was any kind of Tea Party origin or mailing. Why is the Tea Party being labeled racist for the actions of one pea-brain person?

I'm curious. How did the NAACP and the press find out about the email?
I am of the opinion that sometimes these emails are created by the people they OFFEND as a way of drawing attention to perceived prejudices; to "rekindle the racist flames" so to speak.
So .... the democrats that portrayed George Bush as a monkey are all racists?

quoted from another source:

It is unlikely Barry was a Jihadist and was most likely a drug mule if anything, maybe even a CIA street hire to haul Afghan heroin back to New York, so the Afghans could buy U.S. made stinger missiles with U.S. dollars to shoot down Russian helicopters?... I hired people over seas to do work below my pay grade all the time, even foreign nationals... I think this is the story Barry told the Saudi's, but he was most likely really just a drug mule/dealer and probably still wanted on an outstanding warrant in New York.

Barry’s selective service registration is not normal either…EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama’s Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions...

After I looked at Barry’s selective service filing I noticed it was most likely fraudulent too based on the name he used. Barry did not start using the name "Obama" until he returned from Pakistan (long after he flunked out of school in California) His selective service record (maintained in Chicago coincidentally) shows he registered at a Hawaiian post office as “Obama” in Sept 1980... Problem, Barry was getting high in California at Occidental in Sept 1980 (Barry's own admission) and was not using the fictitious name "Obama" at that time. Barry began using the fictitious name "Obama" only after he returned from Pakistan. The selective service filing is fraudulent.

NEW NOTE - On the the Selective Service Registration, Barry did not have the Connecticut Tax ID number he used on the Registration until after he began using the name "Obama" in New York. More evidence his Selective Service filing is fraudulent.

Barry returned to Chicago and attend a semi-Christian radical black church with his first female love Michelle. Barry admits keeping in touch with Phil Boener, who traveled to New York from Occidental to be with Barry and was most likely Barry's first love.

Barry still could not get a real job, because he was still a fraud, even with his Harvard degree in hand he could lie and take the Bar exam, but he could not work as a lawyer for a major law firm without a background investigation and he would never pass one. So, Michelle got Barry a job at her law firm. Barry never filed a case alone and never filed a motion. He wrote lots of memos according to the law firm where Barry worked. (I think they know Barry is a fraud and don't want to be sued by previous clients) Barry rescinded his law licenses, so as not to be disbarred for fraud. The Bar knows Barry lied on his application. Michelle also had to turn over her law license for her involvement in corruption with the Chicago mayors office.

With time on his hands Barry, a well spoken black man, was able to get elected to a state office, oddly because he looked for fraud in his opponents voter registrations and got his opponent disqualified from running. Barry a well versed liar was a natural in state politics. He used his political influence to get himself a position as a lecturer at Chicago's law school. Barry embellished this position as a "professor of law" which everyone knows is completely false. Barry was not a professor or even a specialist at anything but lying.

On a whim Barry ran for United States Senate for the State of Illinois. Politicians do this all the time to make a name for themselves even if they can't win. At the time the Republican Ryan was a shoe in for the Senate seat, so no real Democrat contenders entered the race, but Barry did. On a fluke after the primary Ryan's wife Jeri Ryan (Seven of nine from Star Trek) went public that her husband was making her have sex with other people while he watched. Ryan dropped out and Alan Keys moved from Maryland to run against Barry Soetoro.

The election got all kinds of press because there was no blacks in the U.S. Senate and one of these black men was going to be a Senator. Alan Keys did his best to warn everyone Barry was not who he claimed to be, but the public saw him as a carpet bagger. Barry kept the lie going and presented himself as a clean black man that talked like a white man... Illinois elected Barry to U.S. Senate. The Democrats had already began scrubbing Barry's back ground when Ryan dropped out.

Phil, Barry's boy friend from Occidental, was found working in California as a communications specialist (receptionist) for a dental hygienist school and given a diploma from Columbia and cover story. The rest of Barry's drug friends were all given jobs or money by the Democrat machine to keep quiet.

Because Barry was such a news maker as the only Black in the Senate, and he could speak like a white man he was made key speaker for the Democrat convention. Barry then decided to run for President to keep the lie going. No one thought to question Barry's back ground in the Democrt party... They helped cover up the ugly back ground. The only person jumping up and down warning Barry was not who he claimed to be was Alan Keys and he was discarded as just an angry loser.

Now we have a complete fraud sitting in the Office of the President. Clearly the most corrupt, inexperienced, and ignorant President in the history of the United States who's only quality is that he can lie with a straight face. He has paid untold millions to keep the cat in the bag.
Not exactly an impartial source. From her site, a self description: a Conservative political commentator, radio talk show host, columnist, and attorney.
Agreed. Unfortunately, the racial epithets have abounded and been far too prevalent for one to say that covert racism is not at the root of the majority of objection to Obama's presidency. Only those who tend to engage in it, either passively or actively, deny that fact.

Well, I think enough time has passed at this point in his presidency that there are plenty of legitimate concerns to critique him on, but for the first year or so, I have absolutely no doubt that most of the vitriolic criticisms of him were racially motivated.
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