The "Mainstreaming" Experience: "Isolated cases"?

Man, where do these so-called interpreters come from, and who is hiring them? :shock:

I dunno but I have not forgotten the time I wanted a terp and my disablity counseler (Deaf herself) and I tried get it thru my art teacher's head that I wanted a qualifiled terp with credetintials.

The result was that I got a terp who had not singed in ten years. To say I was furious and sad is an understatement.
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I dunno but I have not forgotten the time I wanted a terp and my disablity counseler (Deaf herself) and I tried get it thru my art teacher's head that I wanted a qualifiled terp with credetintials.

The result was that I got a terp who had not singed in ten years. To say I was furious and said is an understatement.
I dunno but I have not forgotten the time I wanted a terp and my disablity counseler (Deaf herself) and I tried get it thru my art teacher's head that I wanted a qualifiled terp with credetintials.

The result was that I got a terp who had not singed in ten years. To say I was furious and said is an understatement.

I'm not impressed either...
disabled kids are unable to be abused if the parents/iep/school allows
i posted this on facebook
i mean look at schools like the judge rotenberg center Judge Rotenberg Center - Residential Program Treating Behavior Disorders and Developmental Disabilities
which has Deaf students on the skin shock device (the GED)

If a child with hearing loss sits in the class and has no way to freely communicate among his peers or teachers/staff, then that's a form of neglect. Same as if a hearing child is never allowed to speak or is never spoken to at a school...we would never allow that. But deaf kids endure this scenario often.
disabled kids are unable to be abused if the parents/iep/school allows
i posted this on facebook
i mean look at schools like the judge rotenberg center Judge Rotenberg Center - Residential Program Treating Behavior Disorders and Developmental Disabilities
which has Deaf students on the skin shock device (the GED)

I tried to search the site, and couldn't find anything specifically pertaining to DHH students. Why do they shock them?

I can't believe a school is actually doing that. I would'nt put a shock device on my dog, let alone a child. That is outrageous!
Man, where do these so-called interpreters come from, and who is hiring them? :shock:

Right now I know of a few situations where there are level 2 ASL students getting hired to be terps for some of the public schools around here because they couldn't find qualified interpreters due to the competition with the VRS industry which pays them like 5 times as much as the schools do.
Even when parents are aware of the problem, they only have so much control. For example, my sons interpreter last year had zero facial expression. And when I say zero, I mean it. Zip, nada, zilch. I could tell from the very first day it was going to be a bad situation. My husband told me to give her an opportunity before passing judgements. I did that, and my first instincts of course were correct. I went back and forth with the SD the entire year. They claimed they couldn't find anyone else. The only thing parents can do is file a compliance complaint or for due process if the terp isn't certified or meeting the Childs needs. The Dept of Education is really the only entity that can force the SD hand.
Right now I know of a few situations where there are level 2 ASL students getting hired to be terps for some of the public schools around here because they couldn't find qualified interpreters due to the competition with the VRS industry which pays them like 5 times as much as the schools do.

That's ridiculous!! They don't meet the certifications to be an educational interpreter... Why doesn't anyone file a compliance complaint? That doesn't meet federal standards at all.

These people don't seem to realize that the interpreter is the Childs only true access to their educational environment. How are these students going to continue making progress when their terp has remedial signing skills?? Honestly, it's offensive...
That's ridiculous!! They don't meet the certifications to be an educational interpreter... Why doesn't anyone file a compliance complaint? That doesn't meet federal standards at all.

These people don't seem to realize that the interpreter is the Childs only true access to their educational environment. How are these students going to continue making progress when their terp has remedial signing skills?? Honestly, it's offensive...

either they meet the iep requirements by hiring a terp or get fined by not hiring one. What can the schools do if no certified terps apply for the jobs?
That's ridiculous!! They don't meet the certifications to be an educational interpreter... Why doesn't anyone file a compliance complaint? That doesn't meet federal standards at all.

These people don't seem to realize that the interpreter is the Childs only true access to their educational environment. How are these students going to continue making progress when their terp has remedial signing skills?? Honestly, it's offensive...

I think they realize it. They just are not going to pay competitive wages.
either they meet the iep requirements by hiring a terp or get fined by not hiring one. What can the schools do if no certified terps apply for the jobs?

They have to seek one out. Especially given this economy, there is someone out there to fill the position.
They have to seek one out. Especially given this economy, there is someone out there to fill the position.

Where I work at for my 2nd job, they are very short-staffed as well. I thought the same as you with this economy that it would be easy to find qualified people but in some fields, it is hard especially when being fluent in two languages is a requirement.
Wirelessly posted

deafbajagal said:
disabled kids are unable to be abused if the parents/iep/school allows
i posted this on facebook
i mean look at schools like the judge rotenberg center Judge Rotenberg Center - Residential Program Treating Behavior Disorders and Developmental Disabilities
which has Deaf students on the skin shock device (the GED)

If a child with hearing loss sits in the class and has no way to freely communicate among his peers or teachers/staff, then that's a form of neglect. Same as if a hearing child is never allowed to speak or is never spoken to at a school...we would never allow that. But deaf kids endure this scenario often.

that is why so many parents choose to give their children access to that language. So they won't be left out and can communicate with those peers.
That's ridiculous!! They don't meet the certifications to be an educational interpreter... Why doesn't anyone file a compliance complaint? That doesn't meet federal standards at all.

These people don't seem to realize that the interpreter is the Childs only true access to their educational environment. How are these students going to continue making progress when their terp has remedial signing skills?? Honestly, it's offensive...

Many states only have minimal requirements, which is often at the level of basic conversation skills. I have yet to heard of any state erecting an actual board that specificially deals with interpreter complaints or concerns. RID's board is a joke.
Right now I know of a few situations where there are level 2 ASL students getting hired to be terps for some of the public schools around here because they couldn't find qualified interpreters due to the competition with the VRS industry which pays them like 5 times as much as the schools do.
Even when parents are aware of the problem, they only have so much control. For example, my sons interpreter last year had zero facial expression. And when I say zero, I mean it. Zip, nada, zilch. I could tell from the very first day it was going to be a bad situation. My husband told me to give her an opportunity before passing judgements. I did that, and my first instincts of course were correct. I went back and forth with the SD the entire year. They claimed they couldn't find anyone else. The only thing parents can do is file a compliance complaint or for due process if the terp isn't certified or meeting the Childs needs. The Dept of Education is really the only entity that can force the SD hand.
Is it possible for parents to search for terps themselves? Then, if they find one they like, they can give the contact information to the school.
That's ridiculous!! They don't meet the certifications to be an educational interpreter... Why doesn't anyone file a compliance complaint? That doesn't meet federal standards at all.
It's like hiring a high school senior to teach at the school.

These people don't seem to realize that the interpreter is the Childs only true access to their educational environment. How are these students going to continue making progress when their terp has remedial signing skills?? Honestly, it's offensive...
My interpreter mentors impressed upon me that school interpreters should be the cream of the crop. They are not only access for students, they are language models. Instead, school interpreters are looked down upon as the bottom rung of the career ladder. That is totally topsy turvy.

Our state interpreter organization and other dedicated individuals are trying to change that.