The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVIII

I decided to not mention anything about recent Supreme Court ruling on my Facebook page. It has gotten more than enough attention as is.
Here's a little piece about whatever....... I was out for a walk the other day and came upon a cluster of daisies growing along side the road. I picked a handful, then they reminded me of a song from back in the 70's early 80's? "Daisy A Day." Anybody remember that song and the singer, writer of it, Jud Strunk?
He lived in my hometown of Farmington Maine. He was on television quite a bit as a guest on various shows. He died of a heart attack while flying his plane. I can't remember where the crash happened.

OK, that's my little reminiscence for now.
you lucky be able get in garden Reb I got seagull chick running around and its parents standing guard I like prisoner.the parents go for the eyes..had wear crash helmet big rubber gloves just get to washing...sea gull crap everywhere..i got plants to put in weeding but this wretched bird here for summer
you lucky be able get in garden Reb I got seagull chick running around and its parents standing guard I like prisoner.the parents go for the eyes..had wear crash helmet big rubber gloves just get to washing...sea gull crap everywhere..i got plants to put in weeding but this wretched bird here for summer
I hope that the chick matures and fledges quickly so that you can get back your garden soon.

After a little walk in the neighborhood, I checked my blueberry patch and found enough ripe ones for my cereal for tomorrow's breakfast. I've been getting a good handful for the past few days. I like my little patch of wild berries right in my front yard. They'll be ripening faster as soon as the sun gets back. Poured rain all day today, cleared now.
I need to say, local person bec AD is national and international.

I was joking around .

@ Annie , you lucky ducky! I love wild blueberries! Our summer we had in NH had wild blueberries all over our yard. I wish there was some place close by to pick some.
After a little walk in the neighborhood, I checked my blueberry patch and found enough ripe ones for my cereal for tomorrow's breakfast. I've been getting a good handful for the past few days. I like my little patch of wild berries right in my front yard. They'll be ripening faster as soon as the sun gets back. Poured rain all day today, cleared now.

I grown talked and loved my blue berries seagulls come along crap on them now they dead.
I had such big dreams for my garden this year cottage garden,as I type mummy daddy and offspring standing right next to me giving me evil eye and their poop like cement..all washing had be slung out on the line...gardener no step foot in garden
I grown talked and loved my blue berries seagulls come along crap on them now they dead.
I had such big dreams for my garden this year cottage garden,as I type mummy daddy and offspring standing right next to me giving me evil eye and their poop like cement..all washing had be slung out on the line...gardener no step foot in garden

UGH, Caz, sorry about your seagull problem, they sure are a nuisance!
After a little walk in the neighborhood, I checked my blueberry patch and found enough ripe ones for my cereal for tomorrow's breakfast. I've been getting a good handful for the past few days. I like my little patch of wild berries right in my front yard. They'll be ripening faster as soon as the sun gets back. Poured rain all day today, cleared now.
Is a June ripening normal for Blueberries in Maine? They're ripening here too already (Seattle, WA) and it's super early for us (normally we don't pick blueberries until August). It seems like everything is coming in early this year!
Is a June ripening normal for Blueberries in Maine? They're ripening here too already (Seattle, WA) and it's super early for us (normally we don't pick blueberries until August). It seems like everything is coming in early this year!

You're right, it's very early for blueberries. I'm not sure what that is attributed to. We've had an overall very mild and sunny spring, that may be it. Our springs are wet and cold normally. Now, our summer has started off wet and rather cool. :lol:
Last week, a friend of our's gave us a beautiful batch of blueberries from his home garden. They were very good.
yesterday was hottest day ever recorded for july,i lucky being near sea so little berries sore point they but a dream now..trying clean up seagull mess but impossible to shift ideas welcolmed
Do anyone AD on here that gets American blue throat robins if so would it be possible post pic with bird in garden I be very grateful
I have not seen any blue throated robins. Only red ones. How common are these blue ones?