The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Come to Canada. We will get you settled in Winnipeg.

Are you going to Vancouver Winter Olympics about February 2010?
A bit annoyed with my laptop at the moment. My shift keys doesn't work with all the characters. I removed a key, only to find out that it's not exactly easy to put it back in...

Found out the problem is not the keys, but rather the ribbon is loose according to the troubleshooting forums; apparently it's a common hardware problem with the Dell Mini series. :| Think I will just use my warranty or take it into a shop to fix it. Don't want to make it worse than it already is.
I'm bit disappointed about HP notebook. I have problem about battery pack. It won't work to lock up under notebook. Pack was fell off from it. I should go to repair shop if fixing. I try to sell it since bought it last spring. I still consider to buy Dell Studio notebook or Apple Macbook or Pro.
What shall I have for tea?? :hmm: chicken chow mein or potato pie, chips and rice
Tea is a drink, bit like coffee, we also called tea which is "dinner" or "supper" for you americans

That shows how worldly I am, sigh. Thank you for the tidbit, I'm going to use that in America to confuse clueless folks like myself :wave:

What should I have for tea? More peperoncini?
Boycotting it.

Why would I want to support my province's irresponsible spending on that event?

I don't blame you one bit.

I'm not a sports fan anyway, so I will probably not watch it. I would like to know when Canada wins the gold for hockey, though. :P That's right, I said "when". :P
what's everybody currently up to?
Checking AD before I head to get some breakfast.
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