The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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I am wondering what teams are in for the superbowl tonight?
Why are you surprised? Manning is one of the top quarterbacks on the planet!
I know, I saw the game against other team, when I was in Washington D.C

Ohhh yeah, against the jets!
Yeah, Shel. People shoveling always worries me. So be careful. There are a lot of people who keel over and die when they shovel because it is so cold outside that they often do not feel the exertion their body is undergoing. Nice of your brother to stop by.

Really?Not feel it? Now that you mentioned it, I didnt feel it until I stopped shoveling. They say that people who never exercise or are very out of shape are at high risks for heart attacks. I am in good shape but then again, it can happen to anyone.
Really?Not feel it? Now that you mentioned it, I didnt feel it until I stopped shoveling. They say that people who never exercise or are very out of shape are at high risks for heart attacks. I am in good shape but then again, it can happen to anyone.

Yeah, that's basically what I meant. Also, another thing that could happen is if you exert heavily, you tend to breathe harder and with an open mouth which, if cold enough, and if one stays out long enough, the lungs can freeze. So you take care.
Yeah, that's basically what I meant. Also, another thing that could happen is if you exert heavily, you tend to breathe harder and with an open mouth which, if cold enough, and if one stays out long enough, the lungs can freeze. So you take care.

I took several breaks..ok thanks for letting me know. There is another snowstorm that could bring 5 plus inches of snow to us hitting us this Wed..I will keep what you told me in mind when shoveling on Thursday. I am still learning. Thanks!

I am all done with shoveling..whew!
I took several breaks..ok thanks for letting me know. There is another snowstorm that could bring 5 plus inches of snow to us hitting us this Wed..I will keep what you told me in mind when shoveling on Thursday. I am still learning. Thanks!

I am all done with shoveling..whew!

If you can deal with it, a scarf over the mouth would help and no alcohol, either.
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JClarke said:
Colts and Saints.
Indianapolis Colts??? :eek:

Yes. Indianapolis Colts vs. New Orleans Saints. 30 minutes to start game. I favor Saints. They never get Super bowl champship. I hope so.
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Yes. Indianapolis Colts vs. New Orleans Saints. 30 minutes to start game. I favor Saints. They never get Super bowl champship. I hope so.
Noooo, GO COLTS! :lol:
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