The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Exactly, thus 32K is good money for around here.

Yeah, I figured that. :) My ex gf and I used to earn more than $50k a year combined, I think. It was higher than Seattle's median household income that time.
Yup, this is true, start from bottom and will surely work way up. I have been there and glad I land job that offer income above area median income.

You will get there someday if you work your way up. :)
Is it me or did AD just disabled the IMG code embed? :confused:
OK, :ty: I thought all sections were enabled

same here! I had same thought when I tried to post a pix. I thought alex just disabled it or there was something wrong with my setting. I checked other threads and it was fine so yea I guess only a certain section is not IMG-enabled.

same here! I had same thought when I tried to post a pix. I thought alex just disabled it or there was something wrong with my setting. I checked other threads and it was fine so yea I guess only a certain section is not IMG-enabled.

damn, then we cant post images to the scammers! I noticed when I attempted to post one it was a link instead of the image, I was like, wtf?
btw, good morning!

*drinks coffee*
Gotta get ready for my weigh in tonight. I hope I lost at least 1/2 pound or stayed the same. I've been very good. I have't strayed off the diet. Well......not too much.......we did go to Golden Corral the other night. :giggle:
Superchris, post a pic of yourself on the pic thread. It's nice to put a face with a name. :wave:
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