The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XVI

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Already legal here in WA state. :) I have petted a few of them here...saw some in Utah when I lived there.

I really am a ferret fancier. They are great pets.
One of my most beloved pets was a rat, you can train them very easily. They're smart creatures!

Yep, they're smart little critters and they're friendly and social. They like to lick on my hands and even on my ears when they sit on the shoulder.
I like rats. I just don't like the maintenance that come with them.

I think I like any animals.

Haha, rats are not that high or some other animals are worse.
Haha, rats are not that high or some other animals are worse.

I just don't like changing the litter or shavings often.

Only thing I like about aquariums is... if you got a lot of money, you can set up a drip system so you NEVER have to change water... as long you got electricity. :lol: No drip system = no fish for me.
I just don't like changing the litter or shavings often.

Only thing I like about aquariums is... if you got a lot of money, you can set up a drip system so you NEVER have to change water... as long you got electricity. :lol: No drip system = no fish for me.

Shavings are not recommended. Use recycled paper based only have to change it once a week or two. There's special fragance to reduce the smell and paper based litter works the best. It's just kinda like changing your kitty litter but...which would you want to change, the kitty litter or the rat's cage? I would rather do the rat cage.
Shavings are not recommended. Use recycled paper based only have to change it once a week or two. There's special fragance to reduce the smell and paper based litter works the best. It's just kinda like changing your kitty litter but...which would you want to change, the kitty litter or the rat's cage? I would rather do the rat cage.

I have ADD.

I need someone to bug me to remind me to do that. I don't mind a dog... because they bark when they need to go out. My ferret just bug me whenever he feel like his litter need to be changed. And tegus? I had mine water-trained to go in a tray of water... and they STINK when they go... lol. So healthy reminder there too.

So... rats are high-maintenance for an ADDer. ;)
I have ADD.

I need someone to bug me to remind me to do that. I don't mind a dog... because they bark when they need to go out. My ferret just bug me whenever he feel like his litter need to be changed. And tegus? I had mine water-trained to go in a tray of water... and they STINK when they go... lol. So healthy reminder there too.

So... rats are high-maintenance for an ADDer. ;)

Haha ok...not a problem. Whatever works best for them.
Yeah... I got into trouble once with my parents for not cleaning my sister's cat litter box when they went on vacation. :S

I hate having short-term memories. :(
Yeah... I got into trouble once with my parents for not cleaning my sister's cat litter box when they went on vacation. :S

I hate having short-term memories. :(

Shit, that's gonna be really stinky fit for sure.

Were you college? No?


Actually, I didn't go there for college. I went there on student exhcange program. Gosh, high school was so easy, that I didn't have homework for most of the year.
I always seem to feel more exhausted during the winter months. It could be the cold weather or the shorter days. :dunno:

Some people have Seasonal Affective Disorder where they feel poorly and more off than usual in either winter or summer. Maybe you're one of them?
I had my job registration appointment yesterday and I am registered to do temp work in primary schools!!
Going to court to pick up some paperwork... gotta practice a little bit.

(Slams fist on table) I OBJECT!!!

(Winks at bailiff)

Yep, I totally should be a lawyer.
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