The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Tmi, Jiro.

Lol, perhaps I ought to end this discussion of coffee and bodily functions..I'm afraid you boys will take it too far.

but but but.... byrdie started it first!
We were chatting about doing a calendar for a fundraiser for AD and we selected you and Dixie to be on the cover in provocative poses! :giggle:

:rofl: now wouldn't that be a sight! I guess we could hone our self portrait skills in the process...... :lol:
:rofl: now wouldn't that be a sight! I guess we could hone our self portrait skills in the process...... :lol:

I was thinking of you and JClarke dress western--somewhere in outbush of Australia.....
ring ring.

Im think *ka-chink, ka-chink* :rifle: (Im thinking a 12 ga. Benelli SBE II with some goose shot would be appropriate for the job - gets the job done without being too messy.... but if you want total obliteration a .50 caliber would also work very well.)
We were chatting about doing a calendar for a fundraiser for AD and we selected you and Dixie to be on the cover in provocative poses! :giggle:

this is what I want - me as Lumberjack breaking down the door and Jacob running away. in this clip - Will Ferrel said ":mad2: yyyaaarrrrggghhhh! I've traveled thousands of miles to give you my seed!"

[ame=]YouTube - lumber jack[/ame]
I was thinking of you and JClarke dress western--somewhere in outbush of Australia.....

Just hand me a pair of chaps, a vest, a stetson, and a bullwhip.... that's all the props we're going to need. :giggle: No other clothing.....
Just hand me a pair of chaps, a vest, a stetson, and a bullwhip.... that's all the props we're going to need. :giggle: No other clothing.....

Poor JClarke--you're going to ride him like a bull! :lol:

Actually I am excited about today as I get to train the new Inn Keeper that has been hired for this position.

Hopefully in another week I can get out of here to rejoin my sweetie in Spokane in our new house!
:( been sick lately :( i am also watchin my baby sister, sleepin right now :lol:

Telemarketers ought to be shot!

Spare the people who actually talk to you. It's probably the only job they could get trying to get into subscription renewals and technical support when those jobs were outsourced to India, and if they quit, they don't qualify for unemployment. You need to target the company owners and upper management.
By the way, if they're American, they're probably not reading. They've said it so many times, they have it memorised backwards and forwards, and they've heard all the angry personal threats, all for $2.50 per hour plus sales commissions. If you don't want them to call, the most productive thing you can say is, "Please add my number to your do not call list." Then wait for them to confirm before you hang up, or their computer won't give them a chance. It will just jump to the next call when you hang up. If you use those words and do that, they are required by law to comply. If that doesn't work, nothing you can say to them will help. Threatening them certainly won't help. Most of them probably go home every night and contemplate suicide anyway. They work at a job where 97% of the people they ever talk to express pure hatred toward them. By the way, swear at them, and they're required to hang up. But the catch is, they're usually added to a re-call list so another rep will call.

I used to work at a call centre.
Hi, Mints. You sure are a little ray of sunshine today!
Hi, Mints. You sure are a little ray of sunshine today!

I wish I knew how. My avatar is one though, at least for me it is :)

You say that though, and I think of Dr. House when he said, "Your are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day." He was in drug rehab at the time, and he was sarcastically reciting a line the rehab centre gave him. It makes me laugh :giggle: But if you know who I'm talking about, you probably know that :angel:
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