The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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Still freezing up there?


Seems like mother nature is not giving you guys a break whatsoever.

Not this year. Of course summer will probably compensate with 100 degrees every day!:lol:
Not this year. Of course summer will probably compensate with 100 degrees every day!:lol:

No Doubt!!

I hear that Florida will face a long dry hot summer. Leading to fire dangers.

We are already under a fire danger now. Due to all the freezes we have been having. Killed a lot of plants and dried them up.
psssst hear again... i see you out there... is it ok i stole part of your signature and changed it to suit me?? or should i change it to something else?!?!:hmm:
AAACK! I just checked my revised syllabus, I have THREE plays to read in the Drama section of my Literature book! OH SNITZ!
Im done reading the plays, they were actually amusing. Some of you might know them.

Los Vendidos was one and another was Rodeo. Rodeo was spot on in my opinion.
Wow, its been a long time. I've been focus on work, softball and now...just got out from surgery...

Now, I'm home stuck and body is addict to morphine from hospital. Lol. I'm recovering pretty ok but ugh, it is appendix surgery. Every time I tried to eat foods, they're taste awful n taste like "no sugar" or "medicine taste" does anyone have that experience? Please do share n thanks..
Wow, its been a long time. I've been focus on work, softball and now...just got out from surgery...

Now, I'm home stuck and body is addict to morphine from hospital. Lol. I'm recovering pretty ok but ugh, it is appendix surgery. Every time I tried to eat foods, they're taste awful n taste like "no sugar" or "medicine taste" does anyone have that experience? Please do share n thanks..


Yes, I have never had my appendix removed. But after my minor surgery. All I could taste was Betadine. The red medicine that they use to clean and flush out the surgical site.

Food did not taste right for a few days. And I kept tasting the betadine in my mouth.

I think that is what made me feel worst. The surgical site did not bother me. It was the nauseated feeling I had, afterward. Due to the taste in my mouth.
Well gotta head to bed!

You all behave! :D

I would hate to see anyone else get ban while I am gone.
I need a tall, cool glass of lemonade! I have been into some of the darker corners of this board and I'm thirsty! Oh, an aspirin, too, please. :lol:
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