The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIII

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and catch whatever she is carrying? Not wise my friend!

you must be a virgin
It's 1:18 am, and I'm STILL working on grading papers, doing lesson plans, progress reports, ELA assessments, and IEP goals. Taking a ten-minute break now.

It's official! We woke up this morning to a Snow Emergency.

Schools in my area are closed--transit system running on emergency schedule. Meaning if one wants to go northbound on the Peninsula--it'll come every 2 hours. Same situation going southbound on the Peninsula.

They are cleaning up some roads due to the winds that came through last night with the snow and some areas are without electricity.

How much snow did we get?

2 inches.
Sorry about your snow Byrdie. We are supposed to have an ice storm here today.

Yesterday was so nice, I bought a summer skirt!
Temperature here will be a high of 60 today. Needless to say, I doubt we will be seeing snow.
Sorry about your snow Byrdie. We are supposed to have an ice storm here today.

Yesterday was so nice, I bought a summer skirt!

Actually I love snow! It's always nice to see it---

Congrats on buying your summer skirt!
I had a good day subbing yesterday and I got a bit of a feel of what teachers deal with. Im glad I got this opportunity to get my feet wet. Tomorrow I go back to sub in the Senior High in a literature class which is directly up my alley as far as my major at Uni goes.

LAst night I went to the basketball game in which our district's senior girl's were in the regional tournament. They won last nights game to go on to the state tournament next week. While there I ran into my junior high basketball coach. He coaches at Morrilton, and it was good to see him. He has a little girl thats the same age as my DD.
what a yesterday!

CSD Fremont Varsity teams [boys n girls] won their first round of North Coast Selection [NCS], they upset two teams that are rank higher than us!! GO CSD!!! Now, they must focus to win next two games before enter State.

Anyway...what's up, peeps? lol.
We got a good dose of snow here. A range of around 1" to 3" on the ground. It looks pretty with all that snow on trees. :)
Wondering how long it takes till:

A: The "Dear Jiro" thread gets locked or,

B: a mass banning occurs. :hmm:
So...has anyone stepped into the "Dear Jiro" thread? :iough:

Yeah, I saw ya there and asked you a question; my own answer/response was really the only point I wanted to drive in that vigilante-riddled thread (it might be in the other one). So.....wanna venture there?
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