The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XII

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Besides...don't you think you might be related to Emperor Gojong of Korea ?
How are you going to produce a death in beyond of me?

Let me rephrase it, I am just an idiot.

What sort of punishment do you desire for my death?

Is this better, my lord?
Let me rephrase it, I am just an idiot.

What sort of punishment do you desire for my death?

Is this better, my lord?

you will be forced to watch DirectTV Help Channel 24/7 for 2 years.
:laugh2: that's too much to baragin for, Dr Jiro.
thought police? I think there is an alien who is closely monitoring by me!! :laugh2:
thought police? I think there is an alien who is closely monitoring by me!! :laugh2:


Bottesini and Hear Again, the results from my gastrointerologist visit: I have Celiac Disease and at least one other condition that he can't figure out. He replaced my pain medicine with I don't remember what to reduce damage to my GI tract. I wrote a letter to my GP about my psychological issues. I chickened out when I saw her in person. I know, I'm a moron for doing that. I should have just told her. My GI doc was very clear that he wants me to keep my diet exactly as it is. Since you asked, I'll let you know if I find out anything further.
I hope that's not the way you interpreted what I told you! You must never believe such things. Treat them like they told you a bad joke, and don't feel bad about it.
Thanks Simply Mints :)

I hope you will feel better with the new meds which the doctor gave you. :)
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