The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XI

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Did anyone even thought that Jclarke is a female? I did once. :laugh2: Just kidding. No offense Jake boy. Just trying to bring a sense of humor. :D

well, given the name jake, no, i never thought that. but then again, given how poor i am at guessing ad'ers gender, i wouldn't put it past me to do just that. :giggle:
Term for deaf blind person(s) is better? DB'ers?? deafblind'ers???
Finally I have reached the 1k mark...So I bid you Ad'ers farewell for I have retired from AD.

Hell no...Not a chance :giggle:
You too are deafblind? I thought Hear Again is the only one around here.

Nope, just deaf :) I was told long ago I would be totally blind by the time I'm around 26. I'm 30, and my vision is almost perfect with my glasses on. I guess when I thought I was gonna be blind, I taught myself to enjoy other senses.

same here, mints. (i hope you don't mind me calling you that.) i love to smell different things in my environment and to appreciate the texture and patterns of the ground underneath my feet. as you know, there's more to appreciating one's environment than being able to see.

Sure, lots of people call me Mints! That's what my name means :)

My sister challenged me a couple of weeks ago to close my eyes, and asked me what it was like to be able to cause the whole world to disappear simply by closing my eyes, even if I was in a crowded room. However, when I tried this in many different situations, the world didn't disappear for me. I remained aware of the people around me, where they were, what they were doing. I can still feel their movement and smell their various odours. Yes, people everywhere smell. Sometimes if they wear too much perfume, they cause me to go temporarily blind. :giggle:

oops. why on earth did i think mints was a female? there i go again mistaking someone's gender. i told you i'm terrible at guessing ad'ers gender. i try to read as many posts as i can, but i still can't figure it out. oh well.

Well, if you had seen my icon, I would have thought it was because my ponies are too colourful for me to be a guy. However, I know better than that. I know I'm not the only guy who likes ponies .. although I might be the only deaf guy who likes ponies :scratch:
BRB...I need a break from AD. Been posting the last few hours.
First time in a while, I am avoiding the cafe today totally. :eek3:
I have my reason. PM me if you want to know
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