Botts spewing at me, Jillio told us to watch out :P
Shel90 -- how did your work week go?
Is she gonna chase you???
Not too bad...just not used to working hard again after being off for the summer. However, my aide is AWESOME!!! She finished all the materials that I needed unlike my aide last year causing me to take over her duties with making materials which left me little or no time for planning my lessons. Now, I can plan them at work instead of bringing them home. Maybe I wont get so burnt out this year.
Thanks for asking.
Not too bad...just not used to working hard again after being off for the summer. However, my aide is AWESOME!!! She finished all the materials that I needed unlike my aide last year causing me to take over her duties with making materials which left me little or no time for planning my lessons. Now, I can plan them at work instead of bringing them home. Maybe I wont get so burnt out this year.
Thanks for asking.
I doubt it.
crzymg and Jillo...
I got lots of plans for my students to get caught up with their writing and I am gonna make them work hard so they can write paragraphs with supporting details to support the main idea and get all their nouns/verbs agreement correct! Now that their reading is all caught up to grade is writing! They are on grade level in everything else..just one more area to cover. Wish me luck!!!
crzymg and Jillo...
I got lots of plans for my students to get caught up with their writing and I am gonna make them work hard so they can write paragraphs with supporting details to support the main idea and get all their nouns/verbs agreement correct! Now that their reading is all caught up to grade is writing! They are on grade level in everything else..just one more area to cover. Wish me luck!!!
feel better Bott aka the FURRY!
Hi everyone. How are you guys doing? What you will do for Labor's weekend?
I will just stay home. My husband will work. Hope someone here to talk to me.