Thanks for the arm chair analysis.
My efforts and opinions are not done at an unconscious level. I am aware that some are sensitive and how their sensibilities are easily upset even before I press the submit button.
My question was directed at participants or readers who do have beneficial hearing lleft and whether they do cherish it. Not about trapping people which you seem to be alluding to. I already see that many Deaf people do cherish their gift of NOT hearing. So, why cannot a person ask those who do have beneficial hearing if they do in fact cherish what they have via their hearing aids or cochlear implants? Sounds like you're advocating a double standard approach here on what should or should not be discussed in AD. Are you in fact saying that these things cannot or should not be discussed because AD? And that AD is only for Deaf people? Because I don't see that unless Calvin plan on changing that in the very near future. Kind of like the DeafRead thing. People got all upset because DR allowed links to blogs on cochlear implants, cued speech, hard of hearing issues, pro AGBell, pro-oral/aural, and so on.