The difference in technology to help the deaf children hear, then and now

See Lilysdad? There are Deaf people out there who won't reject you if you have CI. I think as soon as the book that my piece is in, comes out you'll find more Deaf people being openminded about hoh kids (and CId kids are functionally hoh), being involved in the Deaf community. I know it's hard......but hey, I think it's wonderful that you as a parent are so open to learning SIgn and Deaf culture.....that will really really help!
deafdyke said:
See Lilysdad? There are Deaf people out there who won't reject you if you have CI. I think as soon as the book that my piece is in, comes out you'll find more Deaf people being openminded about hoh kids (and CId kids are functionally hoh), being involved in the Deaf community. I know it's hard......but hey, I think it's wonderful that you as a parent are so open to learning SIgn and Deaf culture.....that will really really help!

Um, DD -- I don't quite get your point. Lillysdad doesn't have the CI -- his daughter does and that's basically where a lot of anti-CIs are bashing him (and Cloggy and others) about.
You know, from our conversations I think Lillysdad is going about it the right way -- he's just giving Lilly all the tools so she can grow up to be a productive member of the human society, the same way Fragmenter is doing -- but it was SO interesting to see TWO deaf children in DIFFERENT circumstances being raised by their parents to have ALL the tools available to them!
Lillysdad was a delight to get to know and I love his Lilly already -- she is really a smart little girl. I really can't wait for Fragmenter's son to meet her and for both dads to meet!
Hey you Deafdyke.. Please no bashings on CI'ers.. they are already done ,,, get over with it,,,it cannot be reversible... you have to accept all this
I didn't take that as bashing? I was lost with the thing about the book that her peice is in? What peice are you talking about DD?

Greema, Lilly warmed right up to you didn't she! I was suprised when you kissed her forehead and she didn't mind! Half of the itme when I try to get a kiss from her she says "NO"

When I picked my wife up at the airport tonight, she was very interested in how our meeting went. After telling her all about it, she too is eager to meet you and frag! So Frag, when ya comin to town?
I think a little of :cheers: may be in order
:Oops: Sorry, didnt mean to hijack the thread :Oops: So where were we before I so rudely interupted?
Lillys dad said:
I didn't take that as bashing? I was lost with the thing about the book that her peice is in? What peice are you talking about DD?

Greema, Lilly warmed right up to you didn't she! I was suprised when you kissed her forehead and she didn't mind! Half of the itme when I try to get a kiss from her she says "NO"

When I picked my wife up at the airport tonight, she was very interested in how our meeting went. After telling her all about it, she too is eager to meet you and frag! So Frag, when ya comin to town?
I think a little of :cheers: may be in order

Wow that is fantastic that you guys have met up. Greema sounds so warm in her e-mails I can just imagine children taking to her in real life.
Um, DD -- I don't quite get your point. Lillysdad doesn't have the CI
Yeah, I know.....just using you as a generic to refer to his daughter/ other CId kids....I know that Lillysdad had a bad experiance with some of the more militant members of the Deaf world. See.....isn't it good to know that there are Deafies who are OK with CI? I really do think that a big part of the reason why you got such a hostile reaction was b/c of oral backlash.....I can understand their POV b/c some of the hearing parents of oral kids can be extreme.....You know the expression, once bitten twice shy?
Lillysdad, there's a book coming out called On the Fence Tales from the World of the Hoh. Not quite sure when exactly it's coming out, but when it does.....I think it will provide a wake up call to those people who think that Hoh and CId people shouldn't really be a part of the Deaf-World
deafdyke said:
I really do think that a big part of the reason why you got such a hostile reaction was b/c of oral backlash.....I can understand their POV b/c some of the hearing parents of oral kids can be extreme.....You know the expression, once bitten twice shy?

I really don't understand the hostile reaction myself. Sure if those people had come face to face with the actual people who forced them to speak or if AG Bell had gatecrashed their event and set up a stall advertising oral only services I can understand but not to be totally rude to complete strangers who rocked up to their deaf culture event to celebrate it with them.

I think that people need to stop excusing and babying extremists. The way Lillysdad and Lilly were treated was appalling. Let's call a spade a spade. If it walks like intolerance, acts like intolerance it is intolerance.

All people need to stop holding others responsible for acts that they did not do.
I can understand but not to be totally rude to complete strangers who rocked up to their deaf culture event to celebrate it with them.

I think that people need to stop excusing and babying extremists. The way Lillysdad and Lilly were treated was appalling. Let's call a spade a spade. If it walks like intolerance, acts like intolerance it is intolerance
Not saying it ISN"T intolerance...... Just saying that I think some Deaf people have had too many bad experiances with Oral families, and THAT'S where the issue comes in. One of my friends who's a moderate about Deaf isues,(pro both sign and speech) was really turned off by the Oral families she was hooked up with. I think maybe in St. Louis, they see much more of the negativity associated with Oral families....and that's why Lilisdad and co got such a bad reception. I think it was wrong of the Deaf to act that way towards them......but I can also see WHY they might act that way. Some of the more extreme oralists could turn ANYONE AND everyone off of oralism for ever!
Lillys dad said:
So Frag, when ya comin to town?
I think a little of :cheers: may be in order

Hey man I'm not sure when we will visit St. Louis next time. I'm sure it'll be sometimes when Fall arrives.

We'll get together and have a few drinks :D

I read the other thread and I'm so sorry that you had to experience the deaf people's worst side. I'm embarassed how they treated you and Lilly! I'm even more embarassed to say that I might know those idiots. Maybe next time you guys want to see a deaf crowd again, we can join you and soften them up or something :)
Lillys dad said:
I didn't take that as bashing? I was lost with the thing about the book that her peice is in? What peice are you talking about DD?

Greema, Lilly warmed right up to you didn't she! I was suprised when you kissed her forehead and she didn't mind! Half of the itme when I try to get a kiss from her she says "NO"

When I picked my wife up at the airport tonight, she was very interested in how our meeting went. After telling her all about it, she too is eager to meet you and frag! So Frag, when ya comin to town?
I think a little of :cheers: may be in order

Lillys dad -- Lilly is such a sweetheart! I couldn't resist kissing her on the forehead -- I had actually wanted to sweep her up in a big hug but was afraid I'd scare her...

I would love to meet your wife too -- you both are doing a great job of raising your precious Lilly and I can't wait for Frag and his family to come to town so you all can meet!

R2D2 said:
Wow that is fantastic that you guys have met up. Greema sounds so warm in her e-mails I can just imagine children taking to her in real life.

Thanks Artoo (btw, isn't that what grandmas are for ;) ?)
Oh, and very true......the way they were treated WAS appaling. I'm just saying that I can kinda undy an extremists view on it. I don't condone it.....but I can undy it. I does seem like a lot of the parents who oralize their kids, are stereotypcial "Oh I want my kids to be healthy and normal" types.....the ones who really look down on ASL, and Deaf culture.
Some of them just want their kid's first language to be English....and that's FINE.....but there are also many parents who almost want designer kids.
Fragmenter said:
Hey man I'm not sure when we will visit St. Louis next time. I'm sure it'll be sometimes when Fall arrives.

We'll get together and have a few drinks :D

I read the other thread and I'm so sorry that you had to experience the deaf people's worst side. I'm embarassed how they treated you and Lilly! I'm even more embarassed to say that I might know those idiots. Maybe next time you guys want to see a deaf crowd again, we can join you and soften them up or something :)

Fall would probably be the best time, weather-wise! (fall IS my favorite time of the year anyway)

I had read that other thread that Liebling pointed to and join Fragmenter in his embarrassment and distress at how you were treated. Hubby and I were actually at that Deaf Expo on April 22 but never saw you and your family. How I wish I'd run into you there! Frag's right, I probably know them too!

I think St. Louis is unique in itself considering the deaf community -- when I first joined the Deaf world, there were 2 deaf clubs (I beleive they were chartered in the 40s or 50s, not sure and I was the secretary the year one of them changed the name -- one was Deaf and the other was deaf if you get my drift). I had gone to a social at the deaf one a couple months after I divorced my 1st husband and was dating my 2nd husband and I actually was snobbed by the women so I thought, well, that's fine I'll just join THEIR husbands! AND if anyone PM me asking for names I'm not going to answer the questions. I think enough has been said here -- just wanted Lillys dad/mom to know I really sympathize with them and I'm just so sorry they experienced that terrible experience.

(Lil's dad -- you're getting mail :wave: )
Thanks guys! I have never blamed ALL of deaf culture for the way my family and I were treated. I realize that the few screw it up for the many. I see this also in my profession and in one of my truely loved hobbies, motorcycling.
I admit that I have alot to learn before completely understanding deaf culture. But I am dedicated to doing so, primarily for the benifit of my daughter, but also because I enjoy it.
Deaf culture is no different than any other culture. There are good and bad people within it. You just find the good ones, and try to ignore the bad ones. .But also like in any other culture, occasionally you have to confront the bad ones when they overstep thier bounds.

Frag, just let me know when you are coming in town. The first round is on me! I gotta run. Lilly is sick and is wearing me out today.
Well I'm glad that you're sticking it out!!!!! Way to go!!!! Maybe you can serve as a liason between hearing parents who choose oral first and the Deaf World! Some hearing parents have ONE bad experiance with extremists, and then decide that ALL Deafies are like that. Keep forgetting.....are you a member of the American Society for Deaf Children? I think you would like it, esepcially since offcially AG Bell doesn't tend to support Sign, even as a second language.
No I am not a member of any group YET.
Its kid of funny that you mention being a liason. I actually do that with C.I.D.. I am pretty involved with the school and Lillys education. Since I spend alot of time there, I talk to the teachers and staff quite a bit. Due to that, they are firmiliar with my opinions and level of involvment. I have been asked to talk to families that visit CID to answer questions from the perspective of a parent. I really enjoy doing that. When ever I hear of a family that has toddler about to be implanted, I go out fo my way to contact the family and offer help in anyway I can. I also make a point to stop by the hospital and check on the family whiloe the kid is either waiting to go into surgery, or in surgery. It helps the family realize that they are not alone, and that there are people around that have been in the same situation.
I have made several family friends doing this stuff. I also started doing this because I saw a problem with the process from beginning to end. Everyone is more than happy to answer any medical questions, no one wants to give info about the day to day stuff. Either they dont know or dont want to tell you (due to possibly changing your opinion of how best to care for your kid).. But I found it frustrating.
Now that I do this stuff, I love it. I get to meet families that are going through the same stuff as me and my family. I offer them support and am willing to answer ANY question they have. Some are hesitant to ask certain questions, but I dont care what they ask. I'll answer it. Afterall, no one would answer my questions, so I'll answer thiers.
At CID they have monthly parent meetings where several parents get to gether and discuss topics. At hte end of the school year they ask the parents for ideas for meetings for the folloewing year. They ask what we liked and didnt like. Also for ideas of meetings for next year. I addressed alot of these issues. They said they liked my ideas and would try to implement them.