I'd like to know how deaf and blind people have to be before proclaiming themselves as "deafblind". I'm asking because there are people around Alldeaf that call themselves "deafblind" and they don't really seem like Helen Keller's equals... meaning they might just be HOH, or may be able to see, just not that well.
Woah woah WOAH there.
Who on earth put you up on a throne and gave you the right to judge what people choose to self identify as? BLIND is defined as anyone with vision 20/200 or worse or with a significant visual field restriction. DEAF is a self-applied term for people who have a significant hearing loss or are culturally Deaf. Deafblind or DeafBlind people have a combination of the above.
You're right, I am nothing like Helen Keller.
I did not require extensive support to acquire language. My first words were not met with media coverage.
The day I finished highschool was greeted with the cheers of only a few family members- and the same reception was offered for my undergrad and postgrad.
I, unlike Keller, do not believe that 'defective' newborn children should be barred from treatment. I do not support eugenics in any form.
I, unlike Keller, have earned every penny in my pocket, paid for my own medical expenses, and paid for my own education. I have the reasoning skills and the ABILITY to respect myself and as such I am not a socialist. Unlike Keller.
I, unlike Keller, do not support oralists who think that as a signing person I am inferior and unable to integrate into society. I do not believe that I must speak to be competent, to be literate, or to be heard.
I don't know what your standards for being "Like Keller" are but I will tell you right here and now that if there's one thing I'm proud of it is that DeafBlind people have progressed past the UGLY stain Keller left on deafblind history. I do not hold a woman with views most of us now find disturbing and outright repugnant as the model of "what a deafblind person is."
This does not stop me from being "really" deafblind. It is my truth, my identity, and a point of nothing but pride.
Next time, before you speak, I suggest you take up thinking.