Should the Deaf community accept hearing people calling deafness defective or that Deaf people need to improve themselves by getting CIs or seeking a cure.? Or that we should assimilate in the hearing world fully>
If so, why?
If not, why not?
For me...NO...because we have the right to be comfortable with our deafness and be respected as contributing citizens to this country. No, we may not live our lives the hearing way but as long as we are contributing to society, why complain about us wanting to stay in the Deaf community and using ASL as our language?
Nope. Why should we have to learn to speak with them when it is far easier for them to learn sign language (ASL, SEE, PSE)??? That really galls me. Why should they refuse to learn sign language and make us learn to speak, wearing hearing aids/CI?? The worst part is that some deaf kids/adults have died from meningitis. Why should we literally risk our life to learn to speak so they don't have to sign????
I have learned to speak but my own family don't learn sign language. Well, the females in my family have taken a sign language class or two but that was when I was in a private school in the next state. They need to use them or lose them. They lost them. I am tired of hearing them telling me that family come first but I don't feel that they have taken care of my needs when I have took care of their needs by learning to speak.