I'll be gentle as I can so forgive me if I sound harsh or picking.
Is this the 1st chapter?, or a short story?
Little girl’s Mom … conjecture here? how do you know, it could be an aunt or whomever?
Both of them deaf, or the girl? … presumption here?
“I have enrolled in the Deaf interpreting/advocate program at my local college.” … Does that seem technical sounding of the words/harsh among the reflective words at the beginning, or is that your intention?
Hey, thanks for the input, and ya know, it is exactly what I was wanting. Not harsh at all.
This was a short story I wrote for my writing class. Had to be three pages or just a little more.
The characteres were fiction. My goal was to show that hearing people look at Deaf people just like they do hearing people UNTIL they realize they are Deaf. I wanted to show hearing people that nothing changes about a Deaf person except that they can't hear. Anybody can become Deaf at any time from an accident or illness. No body is immune. What you are inside is what counts.
Part of the story reflects my heart, and just how terrible I felt when I realized that Deaf people have been so misunderstood over the years. As I started to read more and more about Deaf history, it broke my heart. Most hearing people have no idea of the abuse that Deaf people have undergone in the past. Our history books don't tell the stories. When I hear the words of hearing people, they are not unkind necessarily, but ignorant. I think many think that Deaf people are somehow not capable of a normal life and happiness unless they get their hearing back... That didn't sound right, but I think you know what I mean. My hope was to dispell the ignorance. I was also wanting to make hearing people realize that their indifference and ignorance is just as sinful as outright abuse. If the hearing world doesn't make an effort to communicate with Deaf people by learning to sign, or at least by including them, then a wall will still exist.
what a shame it would be if people could not share their hopes and dreams, their successes and failures, their pain and their fears, their talents, strengths and weaknesses. Wouldn't it be a lousey life and very lonely if there were no communication between people? We need each other, and on the inside, we are basically the same. We all have problems, and we all have talents and dreams etc. Until people make an effort to get to know one another, they can't come together for the good of humanity. So, my goal was to inspire hearing people to search their hearts and realize if they have been indifferent, and to inspire them to reach out to the Deaf community. They have been missing out on a great treasure for a long time, and it is time for that to change.
The story of the interpreting program and the Deaf advocate is my own story. Every time I struggle in school and with life, I stop and try to remember my Deaf friends and how many obstacle that they have to overcome on a daily basis, and it gives me strength to go on, because I truly do have a goal worth fighting for... to be a bridge across of the river of ignorance that separates the Deaf from the hearing.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting... Jeanie... still chasin the dream of a better tomorrow for EVERYBODY!