*rubbing my hands*
Shall I start w/ "L to ??"
Lasza's away message says: You cannot leave message here, because I'M TOO HORNY AND HOT..... no time talk w/you over the phone... Please bring KY and make me more HOT...*beep*
LeviathanC's away message says: Welcome my hell!!!! Don't be af-f-f-raid! If you refuse come.... I dare burn you......
Levonian's away message says: Why can't you read my message "Do not Disturb". I'm busy trying making new chimp...

))'s away message says: I will not able come talk you on the phone... If you interested become PEVERT lesson.. Free application and right away Pevert lesson.
Liza's away message says: If you really need lubration ?? I'll fill your pussy turns into FULL LUBRATION... Enjoy it!
LovelyBlkGal's away message says: Help me! I'm lost.... Find me now!!!! Can you dial for me... 1-800-GET-LOST!
Magatsu's away message says: I'm NOT CUPID YOU...*Expediitive* supposed be cupid on ALEX!!!! Damn you came here wrong room........
Malfoyish's away message says: Don't dare you call me too much... I'm getting fed up w/you... If you stubborn...and guess what, you'll be punished w/BBNT'S dungeon along with ODDBALL.
Meg's away message says: Afr-r-r-raid of near spring... I shall squeeze spread germs on you.... If you willing near me.. Welcome GERM CLUB!
Miss-Delectable's away message says: Welcome my political affair, Please listening my recording... *blah blah blah blah blah, oh yes...blah blah blah blah blah ..oh not that... blah blah blah blah...Oh yes, I remember Clinton did to you...oh mmuhhhrhhh blah blah blah blah... Not sure if you did....blah blah..blah.. oh Agad! really? blah blah blah blah blah blah.. Hey aren't you listening me??? Oh there you're still here... okay let's shall say .. you know what... BBNT.. blah blah blah... oh never mind.. guess what.. ODDBALL...never mind... how's about Liza??? definentily she is... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. Hey you.. hello?? hello???*shudders* Now I'm pissed off you're not listening me......
MizzDeaf's away message says: What are you trying thinking??? Don't steal my ESP...if you steal mine.. I'll SCAN YOU AND TURN FRIED COOKED!
Mommyof3's message says: Look my ring.. this is BETTER than you.... If don't believe me... I'll smash your fingers!
MsGiglz's away message says: I'm mad... I'm jealous... I'm angry...I'm evny you... because LIEBLING stole my favorite PEVERT showing... Don't tell her.. I'll get liebling and put her into Pheldhole!.
Nancy's away message says: *gibberlish langagues* Pleaaase bear with me *gibberlish langagues again* Oh sorry, Pleaaaa beearrrr *gibberlish langauges again* Oh sorry... I forgot you're not german language.. excuse me my mistaken.
nozobo's away message says: Guess what... I got stuck vibrater in mine.. er um..((cracked voice low)) sorry er um..I'm sorry.. I'm affair w/my own vibrate..*breaking sobbing sounds* Can you making up with me again...I'll promise you in my boy next door.
Stay tuned.....contuine O to ???? <--edit..