Thank You Alex

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What was so wrong with us for wanting to help Taylor to feel supported for what he did? Geez.

What about those who been attack????
First, that comment is not helping? And Im not sure who is personally being attacked and by whom.

Really? how do you feel if a member CUSS right at you in the public forum then post your personal home address and a map to show where you live? yet youre saying its not helping?

My God...Im so wrong about you, you will only stand up for those who support you, yet you wont look at what others are going thru youre too busy forcing on this thread than hearing what others feel about this too, people see things different, but yet they get attack for it.....

All I see in this thread is people are cheering and jumping in joy about this situation and yet this is how it should be handle and you call that helping??
:roll: drama, drama and drama. Now, I believe this thread should be locked!

:locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked: :locked:

Why? Do you think locking a thread is solving the problem. We debate why steve's inappropriate actions toward a young 14 years old. I see that you like to stir up dramas in other threads..whats up with that? :ugh3:
We all do support you, Taylor - and it's not your fault.

Its just that we all have different opinions ... way different, polarized opinions, with everyone having an extreme dislike for some members, and vice versa.

It's not surprising that this thread is now falling apart and affecting AllDeaf again - cuz of who we are.
Really? how do you feel if a member CUSS right at you in the public forum then post your personal home address and a map to show where you live? yet youre saying its not helping?

My God...Im so wrong about you, you will only stand up for those who support you, yet you wont look at what others are going thru youre too busy forcing on this thread than hearing what others feel about this too, people see things different, but yet they get attack for it.....

Where is anyones personal information posted and cussing at each other?
You say I only support those that are supporting me, but apparently you are seeing something that I have not seen.

I am asking for personal attacks to stop, no matter if they support me or are against me. Like I have said repeatedly, I was looking for an open, honest discussion. Not personal attacks, etc. You should probably calm down and base your comments on this thread because you are talking about stuff I have not seen.

And i have been hearing what others have been saying to me. To accuse me of being one-sided is a bit much. If somebody criticizes me, then so be it...I answer them as best I can with the information I have. I would hope everyone would take that approach. I do not see anyone cussing at you or calling you names here so I am confused why you feel you are so 'wrong about me'. I still know I did the right thing, and you can defend steve all you want and/or say I was wrong. Your reasons, however, I do not understand but I AM willing to listen to your feelings...which again was the point of this thread.
Really? how do you feel if a member CUSS right at you in the public forum then post your personal home address and a map to show where you live? yet youre saying its not helping?

My God...Im so wrong about you, you will only stand up for those who support you, yet you wont look at what others are going thru youre too busy forcing on this thread than hearing what others feel about this too, people see things different, but yet they get attack for it.....

That did not happen in this thread.
I think you all just want to humilate the victim and wanted to blame yourself to get ravenshit coming back here. It is the way it is starting to look like that to me!!! What a sad sorrying bunch of you!!! I find myself wrong, as I thought you all are grown up and would respect victim privacy. RME!!!!

What blame? What are you talking about? That girl has spoken of her own feelings. I see that she has common sense and innocent. Don't blame on her for her actions. I think you are loco.
Really? how do you feel if a member CUSS right at you in the public forum then post your personal home address and a map to show where you live? yet youre saying its not helping?

That I can testify to that - I saw the post with my own eyes.

And it was all because of this very subject - Buckdodgers.

All Angel was doing was stating her opinion and what she thought about a post - and instead, her privacy was violated and she was attacked in open forum.
Why, Cheri?

Because people are upset now? What would you expect considering what we know.

You can't expect this forum to "move on", just because Steve has been removed from the forum. Moving on will only be accomplished when he answers to what he's accused of.

"Moving on" can also be a way of sweeping certain things under the rug. It's no secret some people believe (myself included), Buck should never have been allowed back here, but was. You can delete/lock threads, but you're never going to get rid of suspicion unless you discuss it openly.

I would say this.... If we're wrong in how we feel, why not have an open disucssion about it. Lets stop hiding from it and pretending that such a belief doesn't exist, because it does. There are people who believe Buck should NEVER been allowed back here in the name of "giving a second chance". We were told to simple "deal with it". Well, now... Steve screwed up royally. The rest of us have a right to question why he was allowed back here when it was very clear he is unbalanced. It was clear a year ago, at least. AT LEAST. So, why was not something done then? If was allowed to stay banned, this "drama" as you call it, would've never taken place. At least, not on AllDeaf.

I agree, Steve should have never been allowed back with 'second chance'. It was actually like his 4th chance or something if I remember correctly, cause he had been banned a couple times before for a few days or a week at a time before he was semi-permenant ban and came back with new screenname.

He's admitted his own guilt in threads he posted here and other sites, I cant see why anyone would defend him at this point.

It's not your fault 2hot4you, for all this, you just tried to chat with wrong person. I will also recommend though that you stick to guys closer to your age.

I am glad you were brave enough to go to Alex and Taylor and get this sicko busted.

Once again, Thanks to Alex and Taylor for nailing the bastard, and also thanks to SpiceHD for pressing the issue and making sure it wasn't swept under a rug.
It was posted earlier.. but removed ..

Angel is right.. someone cussed big time and posted home address and everything.
Why? Do you think locking a thread is solving the problem. We debate why steve's inappropriate actions toward a young 14 years old. I see that you like to stir up dramas in other threads..whats up with that? :ugh3:

You know what Oddball, If you want to personal attack me please do so out of alldeaf, this is not a place for it here and I'm not going to get into this. This thread is about Buck, it seems like members are biting each others heads off. But, never mind do your thing, I'm outta here. It's not even worth going back and forth about this. :thumb:
Where is anyones personal information posted and cussing at each other?
You say I only support those that are supporting me, but apparently you are seeing something that I have not seen.

I am asking for personal attacks to stop, no matter if they support me or are against me. Like I have said repeatedly, I was looking for an open, honest discussion. Not personal attacks, etc. You should probably calm down and base your comments on this thread because you are talking about stuff I have not seen.

And i have been hearing what others have been saying to me. To accuse me of being one-sided is a bit much. If somebody criticizes me, then so be it...I answer them as best I can with the information I have. I would hope everyone would take that approach. I do not see anyone cussing at you or calling you names here so I am confused why you feel you are so wrong about me. I still know I did the right thing, and you can defend steve all you want and/or say I was wrong. Your reasons, however, I do not understand but I AM willing to listen to your feelings...which again was the point of this thread.

Thanks for showing your caring...*sigh*
Yes, it was in another thread, not in this thread.

u are right.. it is not in this thread but other thread. I looked at the title. ok you are right.. i kept thinking it was this one but other thread is gone. me blind..
It was posted earlier.. but removed ..

Angel is right.. someone cussed big time and posted home address and everything.

That was MY personal home address, for what? All I DID was state how I feel, Ive been attacked, hasseelling in PM and all beacuse of this thread and the other thread, this needs to stop and its end now...
That was MY personal home address, for what? All I DID was state how I feel, Ive been attacked, hasseelling in PM and all beacuse of this thread and the other thread, this needs to stop and its end now...

i know but u dont have to take it out on me, ok? i was just saying ur right that someone did posted the home address and everything. thats it. jeez.
Thanks for showing your caring...*sigh*

Why a *sigh*? Please tell me what I am missing or not understanding. Somebody has mentioned that there was a thread that had personal attacks and information published...and that thread has been removed (and sounds like with good reason). But, what does that thread have to do with you getting mad at me? Did I ever attack you? I have encouraged you to say how you feel but I do not think I have attacked you in any way. Again, please tell me what I am missing or not understanding that is being done that is making you so upset.
That was MY personal home address, for what? All I DID was state how I feel, Ive been attacked, hasseelling in PM and all beacuse of this thread and the other thread, this needs to stop and its end now...

Angel, I'm sorry that has happened to you...and that definately was not right. I *think* I know who did it because I see somebody has been banned. I'm not sure if they are related but I have a feeling they are. Again, I'm sorry that you were attacked in such a way as that is beyond wrong.
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